Imagine Loving ALL of Yourself

Imagine loving ALL of yourself!

Imagine loving, even and especially, the parts of yourself that you find hardest to love! ….The vulnerable part that makes you feel shy or like you don’t fit in. The sensitive part that you judge as “over emotional”. The resistant part that seems to wrestle against your progress. The silent saboteur who sneaks up unexpectedly, setting you back. The uber-responsible one, keeping you endlessly over committed. The judgy one who picks you apart… You get the picture! The list could go on and on.

Imagine beginning to see the beauty and the gifts of these parts of yourself. Each one unique. Each one finely honed to protect you once upon a time. Can you see it??

Can you see how the responsible one got you through a lot of potential chaos?

Or how the vulnerable one, rather than not fitting in, is actually holding the crown to your authenticity?

The emotional part knows what you’ll need if you’ll just listen.

The saboteur may be terrified of success. Perhaps the rug was pulled out from under her one too many times!

The judgy one is obviously a protector, she doesn’t want you to relax for fear you’ll get whammied! She’s keeping you safely “in your place”.


The possibilities are endless! There are a thousand little twists on how these parts show up. But one thing is clear. They are all parts of you. They all want what’s best for you. They are just little kid parts trying to survive in a tough world.

Imagine loving all the parts of yourself.

#selflove #healingtrauma #wholeself #childself

#imagine #sacredhealingjourney


Become Yourself


International Women’s Day 2022