International Women’s Day 2022

When we celebrate WOMEN we celebrate the Feminine as an energy, as a principle… the feminine is about gestation and holding, flow and nurturing… Compassion… Being. 

When we celebrate WOMEN we celebrate the Masculine as a harmonizing principle… DOING through the grounded presence of Being–which changes everything!

When we say THE FUTURE IS FEMININE here’s what we mean! 

We visualize a world in which all beings' inherent dignity is understood.  Reverence for the natural world is our starting point; and we remember how to synchronize with nature's rhythms and learn from her ample teachings. 

Equality and harmony take precedence over power and money.  

Communal living calls to us, we reawaken to old ways in new ways of living in which people old and small are supported, cared for and cherished.  

Women’s ways are circular.

We listen deeply to the world around us

Trusting our inner knowing as our compass

Feeling the always present connection with our body-heart-mind.

We are feeling the DIVINE FEMININE RISING all around the globe in every community.  It is a palpable present, growing vibrant energy!  There is a rebirthing of old ways anew, a resurgence of the mystical mingling with the mundane… we are remembering our way.

At Sacred Healing Journey, we celebrate women awakening to their essential nature every day! 💜

#InternationalWomensDay2022 #divinefeminine #returning #remembering #awakening #sacredhealingjourney


Imagine Loving ALL of Yourself


Dream Weaving