Welcome To Your Sacred Healing Journey
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Browse our content across platforms. From guided meditation to community discussion, Sacred Healing Journey creates opportunities for understanding and growth.
Make yourself at home, peruse our offerings, let us know if you have any questions or would like more information about anything you find here.
We’re here to assist you on your journey of transformation! We believe that this is a very special time to be on earth and that all souls are here with a unique purpose, divinely inspired and imprinted in your essence. At the deepest level of our beings, we are being called to embody a higher version of ourselves. This is a process rooted in essence… a process of peeling away the layers of a lifetime of conditioning to come into an authentic connection with yourself.
What does this look like? It begins by noticing all the ways that we keep ourselves in disconnection or apart from our hearts impulses and desires.
As folks move from the numbness or emotional pain of disconnection we open to a whole world of emotions and sensations, leading to greater connection and more opportunity for self-love. With a bit of patience, this path leads to all sorts of good things including greater resiliency, more meaningful connection with others, and eventually into expanded consciousness and a sense of interconnection with all things.
This journey is open to anyone seeking to become more of who they truly are… anyone tired of old patterns holding them back… anyone seeking to remove the obstacles that keep them from living authentically from their hearts.

Lynn offers many modes of healing the mind, body, and spirit. She is very compassionate, always holding space in a gentle and kind way.
- Christine
There are many gifts on the Spiritual Path that await us as we evolve on our journey
And there are steps that help us open and receive!
Daily Meditation ~ Allow yourself to Be and Feel
Set a Sacred Intention to spend time in daily connections with your Soul Self
Lift into connection with Divine Spiritual Source
Mindfully tune in to what you see, sense, and feel internally
Begin a dialogue from your heart, “asking up” for guidance
Be grateful, always ~ giving thanks as you integrate your Spiritual awareness fully into your physical body.
These steps are a practice that leads to insight and healing available as we connect in the higher frequencies! Learn more below!
I've learned tools to help support my empathic nature, such as setting boundaries, including energetic ones. I've learned to love this stage of life I'm in, and to truly understand self-compassion. And most importantly, to embrace and to be
Move into interaction with Spirit
Daily Meditation is the first step!
Establishing a daily meditation practice allows time to sit in spiritual energy. Over time, we actually begin to feel something different in our physical body. Nothing has changed in the physical space, but we can begin to tune in differently ~ to a different frequency that exists in the same air we had been sitting in a few minutes before!
With consistent practice, we move into this new spiritual space and the gifts it offers!

Lynn is intuitive and a great listener. I knew she cared about me. Her type of therapy heals the trauma in ways that are much quicker than traditional therapy.
- Kelly
Evolving meditation urges us within a frequency of communion with Divine Source!
As you practice meditation regularly, you build your spiritual strength ~ your capacity to hold more inner Light, the light of your Soul! This does a number of things, it literally brightens your view of life, it brings alignment to mind/body/spirit, and most importantly, opens us to greater communication with our Soul and its wisdom to guide us in life!
It’s in this higher frequency where healing occurs!