Whether you’re just discovering your healing journey, or a seasoned practitioner, your soul has found it’s way here! Let’s explore together.
What is Intuitive Counseling?
What’s the difference between psychotherapy and intuitive counseling? Honestly, I’ve used both terms interchangeably. I think of psychotherapy as deep, reflective, insight oriented work that has a definite structure, and is informed by research as well as intuition. Intuitive counseling? The same: except for the key point that intuitive counseling expands beyond the borders of psychotherapy… into a more fluid and open space. Intuitive Counseling allows room for the spiritual and energetic component of our lives, including not only clinical psychotherapy, but also Mindfulness, Reiki, Tarot, and Astrology. Psychotherapy subjectively feels more old school, or masculine; whereas intuitive counseling holds some mystique, feeling fresh and feminine in nature, hinting at the heart felt presence that exists in the space between client and therapist.
At SHJ we love the ability to offer various levels of healing depending on what you may need on a given day. Since personal agency is at the core of healing, every step of the journey we travel together springs from the mindful space between us, in which your inner knowing serves as our guide. In this model, the therapist role is one of listening (for patterns and connections), hearing (what may not yet be fully conscious), fine-tuning the resonance between us through key reflections, and holding heartfelt presence –responding with compassionate attention to whatever is arising in the moment.
It is through this sacred dynamic of mindful attunement that our relationship flows.
Methods Used:
Therapy is a partnership. You are the expert on you –what ails you as well as the gifts you bring to the healing journey. Not aware of your gifts? No worries. The journey begins with your gifts, we’ll uncover them if need be, as well, you will continue to gather them and cultivate them along the way.
NARM - Neuro-Affective Relational Model - A cutting edge model for healing complex childhood trauma. NARM is both an insight-oriented (top-down) and body-centered (bottom-up) approach to healing; making use of the latest neurobiology while being keenly relational and deeply compassionate.
More - With certification in Neuro-Affective Relational Model (NARM) for childhood complex trauma, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Advanced Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy (ACHT), Master level Reiki, and Subtle Energy Healing, Lynn brings a creative approach to working with various states of mind and heart for a holistic approach to healing.
“Lynn is very patient but also doesn't “sugar coat” difficult subjects. She really helped me explore behaviors & mindsets and where they came from. Things I thought were just “who I am” I now understand as childhood strategies or survival skills. I currently have a lot more choice as to how I respond to situations.”
— C.M.
“I have really enjoyed the use of guided meditations during our individual sessions. These meditations provide assistance in the release of stagnant energy / previous wounds; allowing healing.”
At its core, meditation is about turning inward, being present, and growing in awareness. Meditation offers a path towards healing by way of deepening your connection with your innermost self. At Sacred Healing Journey, meditation, or this deepening process, is woven into everything we do from individual healing sessions to meditation groups and related classes!
How will meditation be part of the journey?
Meditation in individual sessions may take the form of guided imagery and breath awareness, chakra cleansing and subtle energy enlivening processes, or present moment awareness in sessions in which we release energy from old trauma through the felt sense of the embodied present moment, and so much more!
I have been incorporating meditation into my healing practice since I discovered its balm of healing along with its ability to focus one’s mind several decades ago!
Meditation and Mindfulness are both offered in group format as well. Please see the link below to find out more about our Community Meditation, and receive your free pass for newcomers!
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is like waking up from sleepwalking to discover the richness and beauty of your life —as it already is! As we heal our minds and hearts we awaken to the innate beauty and gifts awaiting our discovery. Mindfulness is a way of being attuned to and present in the moment-by-moment unfoldment of your day. It’s like taking your meditation practice on the road —your daily walk.
Mindfulness is not just a mindset, it’s also the space where healing happens. So in a sense, it’s the contractual space between us… In healing work, there’s a space in each session I’ve come to call “dropping in.” It’s the richest part of the session, in which time slows down and we become keenly aware of inner nuances. We travel the interior terrain tracking the patterns, shifts and changes of whichever particular nuances we are working with in that session.
Mindfulness is not a precursor for the work, it is simply part of any healing work we contract for. This means, in our work together, you will become acquainted with the lingo and nuances of mindfulness. We offer an 8-week mindfulness class a couple of times a year where you’ll have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of basic mindfulness practices, meditations, and core skills, along with a therapeutic understanding of how these skills can best be used in your ongoing healing journey. (This class is open to anyone, clients and non-clients alike, see link below for more info)
The primary healing modalities we utilize are mindfulness based, and Lynn is certified in each, including MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy), NARM (Neuro-Affective Relational Model).
~ All that we’re seeking is already within us.
“The use of mindfulness in my individual work has really started me on a journey I never expected, and it’s opened my eyes to this whole other way of being. I’m gaining healing through therapy, but I’m finding that this mindfulness practice is like another world!
Lynn’s compassion for me in session, even when I believe everything about me is wrong, is inspiring. She’s teaching me a whole new way to talk to myself and care for myself. Every session is about bringing me closer to my true self. I never expected to feel so much growth so quickly.”
Reiki Healing
“Lynn is wonderful. Her approach can fit many needs since she is well versed in so many helpful techniques. I love that we can have a more traditional therapy session, or when appropriate, we use Tarot cards to get more info on a stuck space, or sometimes I’ll request Reiki as part of my session, when it intuitively feels right. Lynn is a true professional and such a caring individual”.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a holistic technique for stress reduction impacting mind, body and spirit. Reiki promotes relaxation while energizing the body’s natural healing ability. Reiki healing is a natural, non-invasive healing system that gently balances life energies and brings health and well-being to the recipient.
How we incorporate Reiki in our work.
At Sacred Healing Journey Reiki is used as an integral part of the whole rather than a stand-alone service. We use Reiki as requested by our clients for:
A means of deepening one’s connection to their subtle energy / light body
Processing deep, stuck emotions which have been difficult to access in other modalities / get things moving
Releasing energetic blocks
Strengthening spiritual connection or connection with your guides.
Supporting integrations of work done in prior sessions.
Each client’s healing journey is unique, fueled by their specific desires and issues.
Although not all clients make use of Reiki healing, it’s high vibration infuses our healing space. Indeed, I’ve heard folks say many times through the years that they felt the gentle healing energies supporting them as they simply stepped through the door!
Lynn is a certified Reiki Master in the Usui -Tibetan Lineage. In addition to offering individualized Reiki in individual sessions, she offers Reiki Certification for Level I, Level II, ART and Reiki Master.
“Lynn has helped me during some of the toughest years in my life. Her gentle presence, along with the compassion she provides, is like nothing I’ve ever experienced with previous therapists. Lynn understands the hardships of the human soul.” —Ana
“Lynn is gentle and compassionate. Her compassionate presence is truly a gift.”