Mindfulness Practice
Uncover a wealth of inner resources, always available! Is it unwavering kindness you're looking for? A sense of being grounded or centered? An ability to truly embody the present moment? Greater patience? More clarity? Mindfulness delivers. What’s more, all that we’re seeking is already within us.
How we infuse mindfulness into our practice at Sacred Healing Journey
Mindfulness is a way of being throughout your daily life. It’s like taking your meditation practice on the road —your road, your daily walk.
Informal mindfulness practice involves bringing awareness to all of our moments as they are unfolding—to life itself. It is a rigorous discipline in its own right. Ultimately, there is no separation between meditation and life. We can bring awareness to any otherwise-routine activity and thereby be much more in touch with the inherent exquisiteness of the moment.
For any activity or experience we are engaged in—pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral—we can invite our doing (and therefore how we actually carry ourselves and behave) to come out of our being. Then it is a very different kind of doing that emerges. We can’t help but be more in touch with life itself in such moments. The practice becomes one seamless whole, simply life unfolding in awareness as it is. But now, we are in a new relationship with it all—one that provides us with endless degrees of freedom to be in touch with this moment as it is and with our ongoing experience unfolding moment by moment, including how it is being felt in our body. In this way, brushing your teeth, tying your shoes, waiting for a traffic light to turn green, getting things done—every moment can become a much richer and more meaningful part of our life.
We also facilitate Formal Mindfulness Practice
Formal mindfulness guided practices are often used in individual healing sessions to help promote inner awareness in the present moment, as a strategy for resourcing and regulating, and as a way to hold space for emotions and foster greater emotional presence and resiliency.
We offer an 8 week transformational Mindfulness Class utilizing Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy tools. (See Below)
Mindful Presence ~ Deepening our Practice Together, is a monthly group offered for those who’ve completed our Mindfulness Course, seeking ongoing support and community.
Sacred Healing Journey Mindfulness Class
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy is a wonderful blending of East and West —ancient Buddhist science of mind and presence combined with modern cognitive therapy. Their synthesis brings a depth of understanding to our sense of self and our interactions, offering freedom from habituated patterns.
This course is designed to help you transcend thinking patterns that left unchecked lead to Anxiety, Depression, and chronic stress. The Mindfulness Course is for those ready to open to new possibilities of seeing, thinking, and responding to one’s self and the world at large, to release old habits of mind that no longer serve your highest good.
Give yourself the gift of 8 weeks to discover, dust off and polish the inner resources awaiting your attention!
“Lynn is honest and true. She listens to what it is you are looking for, and she supports that intention each session. Her integration of mindfulness and trauma-informed therapy sets her apart. Through mindfulness, she helps guide her clients through the hard stuff and into a rich sea of possibilities, where true growth happens.”