Dream Weaving

We are ordinary beings, yet through our breath and our connection to all that is, our Spiritual nature, we are as well a part of the invisible world … It moves through us whether we’re aware of it or not, yet as we increase our awareness we are also able to move through and with it … allowing us to move between the worlds, into and out of non-ordinary reality.

In the ancient practice of Shamanism the shaman opens the veils between the worlds and steps into another dimension, the dream time or non-ordinary reality.  Similarly, this is what we do currently when we travel together through dimensional space in these monthly meditations … We are entering non-ordinary reality.

In this non-ordinary space, between time and space we… “build an invisible world of substance .. pulling threads from the invisible world, creating something in manifest form … spin a new fabric of reality for personal healing, communal healing and / or healing for our world at large”. (Sondra Ingerman speaking on Shamanism)

It sounds larger than life and magical, and so it’s easy to think —Oh I couldn’t do that, I’m much too small and insignificant.  Yet this IS, in fact, what we do every time we meet for Community Meditation!  Many of you have indeed been practicing this art of manifestation over the past seven years each time we meet for CM and do the following practices….

1) Gather together in sacred circle

2) Set an intention for healing 

3) Travel in between worlds in guided meditation, into the invisible space

4) Here we receive healing messages, vibrations, symbols … 

5) With the support of the Higher Beings we commune with there; we sense, see and experience a new way forward for our own healing, and through our interconnection with all beings, for the world at large.

With practice, we hold a higher consciousness and higher vibration.  We become better at working with these energies.  Our ability to hold the vibration of this higher consciousness expands, supporting our capacity for awareness and integration of the lessons.  With the ongoing practice, healing and growth fostered at these monthly sessions, we are better able to utilize the insights, practices, and awareness —weaving them into our daily lives.   

Whatever healing we receive on these journeys, we bring that invisible thread back through the portal between time and space into our present and tangible daily life. As we do so this healing thread becomes part of the fabric replacing the facets of our world that are dissolving.  I see these monthly sojourns are an ascension process.  We are the dreamers weaving a new reality.



International Women’s Day 2022


Your Healing is the World’s Healing