Become Yourself

There’s a part of every living thing that wants to become itself, the tadpole into the frog, the chrysalis into the butterfly, a damaged human being into a whole one. This is spirituality.” ~Ellen Bass

What our hearts long for is to know who we are and why we’re here. These answers we find, not through seeking outside of ourselves… studying, asking opinions, joining things or following others. These answers always begin to come as we turn back towards ourself.

✨ ~~~~✨ Seek within ✨~~~~ ✨

Wholeness comes as we heal trauma; learning to see, hear and hold—integrate all the parts of ourselves. Especially the shadow parts that are hardest to notice as we’ve hidden them well, falsely believing they are not worthy, or simply too much... Too loud, too needy, too emotional or too angry, too quiet or too sensitive.

Quite frankly, none of the “too’s” are true. We are each extraordinarily unique. Exactly as we were designed to be. Each with a soul purpose that aligns with our unique traits. Even, and often especially, our shadow traits. Love those shadow parts and watch them turn into your gifts!

Follow the yearning to know yourself… Listen to the deepest desires of your heart for within these tender whispers lingers the voice of your soul, the one who is always guiding you home.

#healingtrauma #loveyourself #mindfulness #shadowwork #listentoyourheart #soulpurpose #sacredhealingjourney


Awakening amidst Uncertainty


Imagine Loving ALL of Yourself