Awakening amidst Uncertainty

The world is shifting… Moving into and through uncertainty.  We are learning to ground from within, anchoring through the breath in the body.  Bringing awareness to the breath opens our central channel, awakening all of our major energy centers and reminds us that we are connected to all that is. 

Breathe consciously. 

Breathing, we connect horizontally with the earth plane.

Breathing, we connect vertically as a channel of light.  We are assisting in anchoring the light in for the new earth.  

We are here with purpose:  as we awaken, we remember.  

Some aspects of the journey are challenging, others are easy.  The more challenging your current path, the more resources you’ll need to bring in.  We are not meant to do this alone.  Not on the horizontal, nor on the vertical.  

Our path is filled with resources.  Supports show up exactly where we need them.  However, you’ll need to open your eyes to see.  You’ll also need to be aware of your needs…to be gentle with yourself, to trust your heart and higher self to guide you.  

Trust within yourself grows organically from the fertile ground of self love and self nurturance. 


Although this feels new, you’ve done this before.  You’ve travelled from spirit into form into a world that was unknown to you.  You trusted and you came, and the world took shape around you.  You’ve been practicing co-creating all your life.  

Keep letting go.  Keep stepping forwards.  Practice feeling the ground materialize beneath your feet as you walk.  Practice leaning into difficulty and opening your heart when most wanting to shut it down.  

Practice feeling your way and strengthening your inner senses.  

Allow your heart to break if need be, practice noticing how beautiful it feels as it mends.  Notice what healing feels like.  Be here now.  Feel your heart.  Breathe.  Remember… 

You were born for this.  


Heart-Mind Harmony


Become Yourself