The Season of the Womb


We find ourselves in the season of the womb. The time when the winter weather and the low lights naturally bring us more inward, cocooned in our homes physically, and readily offering the opportunity to be more introspective, more inner-seeking spiritually.

We can choose to seize this moment in time to consciously explore how our physical body is the sacred vessel that holds our Soul. How, like a womb, our inner space offers a place to nurture and grow our own becoming! To become an active participant in our own creation! When we look deeply inside, we come face to face with our Soul, the true essence of who we are. We get a front row view of how we hide or shine, how our thoughts bring us into negativity or cosmic insight, and how our choices foster a pervading sense of angst or grace.

During the ‘time of the womb’, we can take on an inner perspective, and slowly, like the development of a baby, we can make changes that nurture our growth and prepare us to launch out into the world during the season of spring, blossoming and blooming anew. And you are the sacred vessel, you are the co-creator with the Soul you encounter within, that is an integral part of this process!

In the early darkness of the evenings, take some time to be still, breathe slow and deep, and invite communion with your Soul. Ask for the strength and the Light to see with clarity, the ways in which you block your Soul’s expression. Begin to search for what lies beneath your fears, beneath the wounds and traumas you’ve experienced in your life. Discover what lies behind the walls you’ve built for protection and safety. Seek the true essence of your Soul. Connect with your Soul qualities, such things as your inner worth and beauty, your visionary that sees the dream before it becomes a reality, the inner sense of wonder and inspiration that attracts the wondrous and miraculous into your life. It is in this connection that incredible possibility resides!

When you have gained some insight about what blocks your Soul’s expression, and have connected to the strength and clarity of your Soul strengths, imagine this information as if it were held in form, right in the center of your being. With inner sight, see what blocks the amazing gifts of your Soul that are waiting for expression…waiting for you to find the way to bring them out into the world. Begin a dialogue with your Soul, seeking guidance about healing, change, growth, possibility…whatever comes to your heart-mind. Perhaps asking what one way can you nurture the growth and change in this ‘time of the womb’ that will allow freedom and expansion for your Soul expression in this life. Perhaps you will hear an inner whisper to smile more often, and that then, IS the change to make from that day forward. Or maybe you will have an inner guidance to listen to music, so you make the change to turn off the TV and find music that speaks to your soul for a while every day. Or the guidance may be to take steps to be honest in speaking about your feelings, or to replace a harmful behavior. Whatever the guidance, make time each day to connect in with your Soul, listen deeply, and choose to do a new action towards its becoming each day. In choosing the new way of unfolding, you become the co-creator of your Soul’s journey on the Earth!

If way too many thoughts come, ask your Soul to prioritize just one for the day. If the insight brings a change that seems too big, overwhelming, or scary to do, don’t turn away, but ask your Soul how? What is my next step towards this change? Ask your Soul for strength. Trust your Soul, for it is the essence of all that you ever have been, all that you are, and all your potential yet to come! Be sure that you are listening deeply, behind the walls, underneath the fears, to your Soul, for it only speaks from Love.

If you hear judgment, criticism, or demands, you are connected with your ego, not your Soul. It may be that you spend this whole season of the womb, learning how to listen beyond the ego – that may be the only step! If so, then each day, take steps to change this old pattern. Whenever you hear inner judgment, criticism or harsh demands, breath with intention to move past that old energy to guidance that is kind and rooted in Love. If during your days, you hear judgments or criticism externally, move away from the source of it without engaging it, and intentionally take a breath to connect with your Soul and dispel any negative energy you may have picked up. You may do this a hundred times a day, but the good news is that in a few months’ time, when the season changes and it is time to bloom again, you will be different!

In your times of introspection, you may find it helpful to have a journal ready. Write down your insights as they come, then close your eyes and continue your Soul communion. This will help you reflect, but also be a reminder to you of the guidance you received and of your progress. As you begin to make changes, remember, your journey of becoming in the season of the womb is just like a developing baby, changes are daily, continuous and in the service of growth.

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Cheryl and Lynn


Exploring the Multidimensional Self


An Offering of Light