An Offering of Light


We have a choice, we can stay focused on the lower frequencies that are all around us now, playing out on the great dramas of the world stage, stoking fear, anger and hopelessness, or we can shift our focus to the higher frequencies and embrace the light that is offered.

In one perspective, the world appears to be polarizing around religions, economics, political upheaval, and all the while environmental disasters are unfolding at phenomenal rates, with a global cumulative impact of more people displaced from their homes than ever before. Yet simultaneously, there is a strong felt-sense that we are in the midst of a spiritual and energetic expansion, and that the support for this growth and healing is more palpable to more diverse people world-wide than ever before. And at the dawning of this new year, as 2016 shifted to 2017, astrologically grand celestial movements are taking place, assisting us to align with the higher energies present. These higher energies are in fact inviting us to open to them, dance with them, grow through them, and as we do they will help us to remember our soul’s purpose for this life! This is big!

The judgementhigher energies of this new year are offering significant opportunities for aligning with the vertical angle of the cross, helping us shift away from our fixation with the horizontal view of our physical world which we easily get hooked into … Rather than getting sucked into hopelessness, we are being given instead a beautiful opportunity to see and feel the higher vibration of light that is emerging here on earth, calling to us, offering us buoyancy instead of grief, enlightenment rather than depression, opportunities for growth and healing on all levels of our awareness rather than despair, anger or angst.

Hallelujah! It’s like the image of Judgement from the Tarot cards … Angel Gabrielle blowing his trumpet up in the heavens, calling all lost souls to rise up out of their coffins floating in the muck of what appears to be desolation, or an emotional abyss. This loving divine energy is here with us now (in the form of Mars joining Neptune in Pisces), offering us easier access to our Higher Self … beginning this month, and lasting all year, what once required great work and commitment, to shift from our small ego minds to the heightened awareness of the spiritual self or soul self, is given as a gift from the universe as an almost effortless option.

All we have to do is want it, seek it, ask up and be open to the offerings that come. Consider the analogy of a fund-raiser, this is like the time near the end of the fund-raiser where they announce that whoever donates during the next hour will be special matched 3 - 1. The universe is offering a special match now! As with all special advertisements, little is asked of you, most of the work is done in the background and is offered freely to you for the betterment of all. What do we have to do in order to receive? The simplest of tasks is required from us, and is in fact not even required, but merely recommended … All we have to do is want better, seek the light, make a conscious choice to shift our perspective and ask to see the good that is unfolding, be willing to be a conduit for Spirit to work through.

Beginning today, say a daily prayer requesting to be filled with light, filled to overflowing, and then ask that you may expand to hold even greater light. Take just a moment as you offer this prayer up to imagine it — sense, see and feel yourself as a vessel which you are allowing the Divine to fill to overflowing with loving, healing light! Then spend one more moment seeing yourself moving through the world in this way, bearing light, yourself a sacred offering for healing, hope and transformation. Imagine how you, your life, and the world around you might be different from just this simple act.

There are many easy ways to align with the higher frequencies being offered now, from the simple prayer above to initiating or renewing a daily meditation practice. It’s the small things that matter, because it’s about aligning your will - regularly and frequently through intention, prayer, meditation and awareness. We wish you many blessings on this journey!

Much Love,

Lynn & Cheryl

We are beginning a 5 week course next month on aligning with the higher energies, and gaining wisdom from the guidance of your soul! Click You Are a Soul! for more information.


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