Exploring the Multidimensional Self

The big questions of life…Who Am I? Why am I here? get even bigger when we begin to ponder cosmically!

We invite you to open to your active imagination (click here for details about how to do this!) as it is our key to accessing higher, cosmic consciousness where our Higher Self takes up residence and travels to universal worlds!

“God writes spiritual Mysteries on our heart, where they wait silently for discovery.”



We must travel deep within our hearts for it is there that we connect deeply with our Soul and find access to the healing, the gifts, and the Mysteries of Cosmic Consciousness! Because the very essence of who we are is Spirit, we have within our core, access to the spiritual realms and all that they offer us. This is where we begin to understand all aspects of self, or, our Multidimensional Self.

If you’ve ever been a part of a guided group meditation that offers a sharing following it, you have undoubtedly noticed that of 20 people moving through the same guided meditation, there are 20 different experiences! There may be some overlap, but primarily what is happening, is that each person is traveling through their own consciousness. Each person is seeing a perspective that is unique to them, that, when understood, is a spiritual teaching for their next steps in walking their life path with intention and purpose. The key lies in the two steps that follow the meditation:

  • Understanding the meaning or purpose of the symbols, pattern, or message
  • Putting the new insight into action in your life

If we simply get the insight, hold the beautiful experience in the moment, then go on about our life, the growth is limited. It is when we journal about the experience, hold in our consciousness the new message, and then step forward in new ways, that our life begins to change in significant ways. These changes may be tough at first as it necessitates steps out of our comfort zone. As well, the changes may bring judgment, criticism, or ridicule as those around us don’t understand the ‘new you’. None the less, this is the spiritual path. It is one that is taken one step at a time, with discernment, and with guidance from your own spirit.


But let’s now focus on where we go in meditations that bring us beyond our physical world experiences. When we first settle into our breathing and in our body, then center in our core essence, we connect with our spiritual Self. We often feel that connection through physical experiences of higher vibration like tingling, pulsing, chills, etc. When this occurs, you have begun to connect with an aspect of yourSelf that is multidimensional in its nature. This means that it, your Spirit, is in this world because it resides within you, but not of this world as its origins are Divine in nature. Just allow yourself a minute or two to reflect on that! Let it resonate within to see how it feels, what it means to you!

…And when you connect with your Spiritual nature, it becomes possible then, to understand the cosmic realms that are held within its vibrational nature! The images, symbols and experiences on your journey within, become even more unique, even more significant and even more healing, as Divine Wisdom is gifted to you through those experiences! To unfold the deeper meaning of these experience, even to be able to have and merge into these deeper experiences, requires that you have demonstrated through your meditative and other spiritual practices your desire to engage, your inspiration to be open to new experiences, and your willingness to change!

This is the very beginning, the initial steps into understanding yourSelf in its Divine, cosmic and dimensional nature. This journey is about expanded consciousness. It is about bridging the spiritual and physical worlds in a way that brings new understanding to the adage, “As above, so below”, as each step taken forward in the physical world, is informed by your own spiritual guidance from the Divine world. And what a world would we create if we brought the heavens to existence on Earth!!

Much Love and Many Blessings on your journey!

Cheryl and Lynn


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