
Synchronicity ~ the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection, and instead, are connected through their meaning to us!

In other words, synchronicity is not random or accidental. Experience and innate wisdom tell us this is so! These events can be understood to be the language of the Soul, as they are often seen as signs, clues and affirmations that give us guidance about our life path.

Like dreams, nature and our bodies, synchronistic events offer symbols that hold personal meaning. And it is the personal meaning of the symbols that becomes the focus of our insight as we explore our spiritual and life journey. We sometimes will hear ourselves saying things such as, “The oddest thing just happened…” or “This might sound crazy but…” because there is no logical explanation for the events that happened in our lives. But logic is for the physical brain and the physical world, while symbols and their meaning, move us into the realm of intuition and the energy of our Soul Self…a higher wisdom!

For instance, we may have a concern on our mind and we hear a song that gives us direction or makes us remember something that helps solve the problem. The problem and the action of turning on music have no discernable connection, but meaningfully connected? Yes!

Try this! Take a brief moment to gaze into the picture, and simply be aware of what you notice, what thought(s) come to you – kind of like when you gaze up into the clouds in the sky and seem to see a picture emerge. And then for another moment, allow yourself to wonder about how what came to you may be connected to your life in some way. There are any number of interesting things that could pop out from this picture to you! See what meaning they hold and how it could help you in some way! For example, you could look at the picture and be caught up in the colorful aspects, and as you contemplate its relationship to your life, you may realize it’s a cue for you to bring in more color – more liveliness! Or perhaps you gaze more at the details, and see faces that convey emotion, and a new understanding about a way you are - or could be - viewing the world comes to your mind, lending insight to move in a new direction.

When you notice something in your day-to-day life that feels like a coincidence, take a moment to recognize its meaning to you, and how/where that meaning applies in your life! This is more of an intuitive process, so ‘allow’ rather than ‘try’! Take first thoughts and feelings vs. discounting them as you ‘think it through’! Initiating this way of moving through life enhances your intuition and your ability to better create the life you envision!


Being Authentic!


Soul Speak ~ Body Language…of a different kind!