Being Authentic!

Being authentic...what am I feeling, right now? What is it I would like to be doing? Not what others expect, want me to be doing, or ‘should’ be feeling...but what is true for me right now?Getting to know yourself in this Authentic way can be surprising, or daunting, or even a bit confusing or scary. We get into routines, follow habits, look to others for direction or go about our lives pleasing them, with little thought to tuning inward. Over time, we often find that we have lost touch with ourselves and no longer know what interests us, what makes us happy, or even what we are feeling inside. We all come into times like these. We change as we grow through the different stages in life, and it’s important to find ways to be present to ourselves. In those spaces of silence, listen to the voice of our own inner truth.It only takes a moment to begin...simply stop. Feel. Notice. Listen ~ internally, with kindness and compassion. Hold space for an inner unfolding of something that has long been hidden or sacrificed or numbed, all but forgotten. Coax it forward into the Light of awareness through Gratefulness for its becoming...I Am grateful for this moment to reflect; I Am grateful to feel...even my pain, for that too is me.I Am grateful to be present for myself in this magnificent moment of unfolding.What is it I Am to discover about me? What inner part of me is crying out to be heard? Yearning to be expressed, perhaps through a song, a letter, or a conversation? What is it I need? Want? What shall I do differently?I Am here. I showed up. I listen. I Am Love. I Am grateful!


Our Soul Speaks to Us through Dreams!

