Soul Speak ~ Body Language…of a different kind!

The magnificence of our Soul, housed in our body, offers insight and guidance for our lives! Let’s learn the language!

We typically think of body language as the postures we hold that speak what we may be trying not to say!! Such as if we are angry, or annoyed, or frightened, but want to appear cool, calm and collected! When our stance and our facial expressions are observed objectively, we see that our body has a very clear language of its own! And in identifying these underlying messages, we have stumbled onto a path that holds significantly more insight, understanding and guidance than appears at first glance! We have opened the doorway to understanding the language of our Soul!

As our body is also the vessel that holds our spiritual essence, our Soul, it makes sense then, that the body would be a vehicle for communication from our Soul! When all is going well, and we are moving through our lives with ease, our body functions at its best. Sometimes, we pay little attention to it during these times, mostly the basics of eating healthy, exercising, and good hygiene. As we move through the years though, our body begins to speak to us in new ways ~ through its aches, pains, illnesses and injuries! While we may not know or understand it, this is the language of our Soul! “Soul Speak” though, holds much more information than our external postures, stances, and facial expressions!

Let’s begin with allowing ourselves to consider this concept, perhaps a new idea: We are each here, in this lifetime, with a purpose…a Soul purpose. And that our Soul has incarnated in this life for growth, healing and to manifest its gifts in this physical realm. Early in life, we spend our time learning about life here…how to survive, stay safe, develop our strengths, will and worth, get/give Love, and communicate our needs/express our Truth. During the initial thirty years or so, various patterns begin to emerge in our daily lives. Patterns such as repeatedly feeling that we aren’t good enough, that we don’t belong, or that others treat us mean for instance. In response, we shut down our once vibrant spirit, to accommodate these lower frequency beliefs. In doing so, we begin to block the flow of our Spiritual Energy, sometimes to the point of no longer remembering the Divine Soul that is speaking to us, guiding us from the higher perspective of our essential Truth! When this happens, the Soul then seeks other ways to communicate! One of the ways is through use of the vessel that holds it ~ the Body!

When we find ourselves in a time of illness, injury, or pain, we can begin to ask ourselves new kinds of questions as we acknowledge that our Soul is using its vessel to communicate! What?!?!

  • It is a meaningful communication…what part of our body is in pain…our stomach is upset vs. having a headache. Or that our knee was injured vs. our wrist.
  • It is a meaningful communication…where the pain is primarily located…on our left side vs. our right side; or that it is in the back of our body instead of the front!
  • It is a meaningful communication…what the pain feels like…a burning vs. a dull ache, or a jabbing…or heaviness, etc.
  • It is a meaningful communication…to acknowledge what the pain/injury prevents us from doing.
  • It is a meaningful communication…to identify how we benefit or what we receive from others when we are sick or in pain.

Becoming still and listening to the quiet, steady voice within for the answers to each one of these questions is the first step in learning to understand Soul Speak! Then allowing time to ponder and reflect on how your answers seem to connect to or parallel, a life situation where you are feeling stuck. For it is in those stuck places, that we are likely to find that we have blocked our Soul’s expression, its gifts. And when we find the life situation(s) that seem to resonate, our next step is to then address the issues, which allows our body to heal! Our ache/pain/injury no longer needs to communicate where we are blocking our Soul’s purpose for growth, healing, or expression! We feel back on track, our life in harmony, a sense of peace inside!

This is a profound process that leads to deep healing. It necessitates patience, persistence, self-discipline, and willingness to change, but our Soul’s Healing Journey leads us to amazing places! We open to our spiritual gifts and abilities! As we remember and embrace who we truly are, we again open the flow of spiritual energy, what once blocked us, shifts, and healing on many levels occurs. We invite you to join us on this journey, we are glad you are here!

Much Love and Many Blessings,
Cheryl and Lynn




Your Soul is Speaking to you, are you Listening?