Spring Thaw

March, It’s the time of thawing … snow melting, water trickling, those early blossoms pushing up through the newly softened earth, music once again, one bird song at a time, beginning to fill the air, layer by layer, as our outer world moves from monochrome to color. The sun rising higher in the sky as the earth turns and begins to offer a brighter light, warming our air and skin, rejuvenating the world around us and within.We feel the stirrings and respond … with renewed energy, often launching off into new endeavors - more exercising, more socializing - as we wake up out of our winter hibernation. What if we didn’t just automatically focus our energy physically and mentally … what if we listened to the inner stirrings a little more deeply, attuned our ear, indeed, attuned our whole be-ing - body, mind, and spirit to the awareness within responding to the call?The parallel to the spring crocus, bright blooms pushing through the earth, often through the snow … is that Spirit is calling us much the way the turning of the earth towards the sun calls the blossom … Spirit calls softly, yet persistently, saying “It’s time. Your time has come to grow, to expand, out of the seed of your potential and transform into the magnificent being that you are, in technicolor!” and it’s our job, our time, to heed the call … to wake up and listen. What is the wind whispering to you this March?Spirit whispers to us each, individually, in our own inner language, the language of our heart.Spirit also calls us at special times en mass, a universal call. In this age that call is known as “the ascension”. Spring is also a parallel for this ascension, a time of rising up, of changing form, transformation and expansion - we grow to hold more light, more love, and more inner truth. This is a beautiful process of becoming more of our true essence as we release all the debris we have gathered in this lifetime in the form of defenses, distorted thoughts, minimizing beliefs and worn out behaviors. This transformation is incredibly freeing! In many ways it’s as much about remembering who we are as it is about becoming something new. Much as the seed becomes the flower, we learn to grow past our limiting personality (the husk of the seed) and grow into our essence, the colorful blossom!Be open to attune to Spirit as we move into spring, in these days of early thaw, while the world is yet quiet … these are the days of listening, attuning, by filling your physical and emotional bodies with awareness, quieting your mental body, and listen with full attention to the language of your heart. Feel the gentle stirrings. Don’t think too hard, understanding will come from your heart rather than your head … listen, feel, and open. The time is now, relax, and allow.Many Blessings on your Journey, and much Love!Lynn and Cherylsacredhealingjourney.com


The Winds of Change


Love in Action: Living from the Heart