The Winds of Change

You are bright and beautifulYou are the essence of all thingsRooted within you is the essence of all things possible

As we approach the newness of Spring, we see nature coming alive again. The March winds bring change with their gusts and gentle breezes mixed, leaving us wondering what will the day bring? The currents of air carry fresh, clean scents, aromas of flowers and new grasses, the sounds of children again enjoying the outdoors. And in the midst of this, there is space for hope. An opening for the new.Hope is like a beautiful flower when it is budding and ready to open, and we are like that as well! On the brink of new beginnings, ready but not yet fully open…and yet, at the same time, we have that deep inner stirring that whispers, calling us to remember that we are so much more than the bud. Hidden deep within the bloom, is the energy and experience of Love – pure, sweet and unconditional, nurturing the flower to open to its fullness and then, there you are! Awakening, beautiful, opening to the world. It matters not whether you are young or old, nor the color of your bloom, or where or when you choose to bloom! What matters most, is that you bloom and show your true colors. But this can be a bit risky, and so there may be a desire to stay tightly closed in the safety of the bud, where the winds of life will affect you won't be seen...or judged. But then too, you keep the splendid beauty of who you are hidden away. Upon opening, the flower shows its unique magnificence, it can be seen, appreciated, and bring joy by its simple presence in the world. So can you!The mysteries of this process of unfolding, are found in the mysteries of self-exploration. And with this comes the fragility of feeling...feeling the gentlest of breezes, a sweet caress, but also, vulnerability to the winds that can make the petals drop, leaving you feeling loss as part of you falls away, perhaps unbidden. But this too, is a part of the risk of opening to a world that holds possibility of all things. Allowing this inner you to unfold, is to touch upon this mystery that we call life in a deep and meaningful way. For it is in exploring the inner worlds, that we can more fully bring our beauty, our gifts to this Earth. Perhaps you have fears that you have no beauty, or no gifts of merit, or no value when from this little bud, you compare yourself to the flowers blooming all around you.But that is simply not true! Within each and every one of us, holds not only the hope, but the potential to bloom through Love. And the Love being described does not come from any person, is not dependent on another's acceptance or validation. The Love that opens us to our fullest bloom, comes from within, and its source is Above! No wonder it is such a mystery to bloom into our splendor! We have been told, taught, trained, cajoled, look OUTWARD for love. And while that love from another may be soothing, calming, and feel just like the elixir we were seeking, it is just that: an elixir...something sweet, taken to cure your ills in the moment, and enhance your beauty but will only mask the unpleasantness we are feeling! Elixirs work for a while, but then they wear off! When we seek within, we find the miraculous essence that is ours to keep...permanently!Let this springtime, with the winds of change ever present, bring newness into your life. Make the choice to let what no longer serves you be released to the winds. Open to the hope that the season offers, dare to discover the beautiful worlds that lie within, and bloom fully to the joy and Love that awaits you!

Much Love and Many Blessings,Cheryl and LynnSacred Healing Journey

Of Three Minds...Which One Do You Want To Act From


Spring Thaw