Love in Action: Living from the Heart

A deep way of being true to ourselves is about being true to our energy — essence, rather than minimizing or denying what it is we are truly feeling. This means that when we’re being shy, for example, when someone brings up a topic we are passionate about, and we hide our passion we are not being authentic. In that moment we block others from interacting with us from a genuine place, which in turn blocks us from spontaneity. In this filtering process we slow everything down before sending our messages out into the world, in this way our words and actions are monitored via a filter of the ego … the filter that says, “Is this right? Is this what they want to hear? Will they agree with this, like this? Will I be acceptable?” This very filter diminishes our true expression of self, our feelings, and perhaps our wants and even our needs.So what would this look like in action, if we were to remove this ego-based filter? It would look like expressing ourselves from the heart! How do we express from the heart? Here are a few examples …1) Expressing Positive: There’s a difference in feeling ok about something, liking something, liking something a lot, and LOVING something! In authentic expression, you allow yourself to courageously express the level of emotion that you are experiencing.2) Being confident in our hosting: There’s also a difference in arriving a few minutes late, just showing up for something, showing up early and being prepared with an energy of worry or fretting, or being part of making this something happen by way of nurturing it into being … thinking about it, planning for it, and holding space for it, then arriving early to set the stage, prepare the space, and set the energy. In this way you create an environment for others, so that as they arrive they can sink into the energy you have opened and prepared for them, their security and comfort will be increased by this thoughtfulness.3) Intimacy with your partner: Expressing a want or desire: Similarly when you want to give or receive loving connection with your partner there is a significant difference between a hesitant suggestion and a heart-felt invitation. This could mean anything from inviting him out for a date, to suggesting a walk or a project to do together, to an invitation of erotic intimacy. Consider the difference between these two invitations … “I’m gonna walk the dog, wanna go?” vs. “I would love for you to come with me tonight, I love the feeling of being close to you as we walk holding hands together.” This may be expressed in words as described, or the message may also come through subtler means, your eyes, the warmth of your tone, your physical reaching out to connect as you speak ... it's about the energy of your heart matching your words, or speaking from the heart rather than the head.How do you know which feelings to focus on, and what exactly to express in a heart-felt way?First determine if what you are feeling is a true feeling from your heart, or an emotional reaction based on old fear based thinking.Second, once you determine that this is heart-felt and love based, do the following. Put yourself out there, show up all the way, speak up for the passion that you feel and the wants that you have.Third, don’t hide behind being “likable.” You already are likable, in fact, the more you are your true self, the more likable you become!Fourth, be sincere. Everyone is looking for others to be real! Real is something we can hang onto, something we can trust.Fifth, be courageous. Trust your real feelings, and express with vulnerability from the heart. It takes courage to be vulnerable.When you try to be like others, and thereby likable, you give others nothing to hang onto of your true essence, nothing to trust. Let people know both who you are, and how much you love them. Be passionate about what you truly care about … speak up, speak out, and express yourself. This is being true to your heart, this is love in action.Blessings on your journey!Much Love from Lynn & CherylJoin us at for our February meditation on Love, to read our blogs, and other services.Connect with us on FB at Sacred Healing Journey


Spring Thaw


All You Need Is Love