All You Need Is Love

“All You Need is Love” ...what did the Beatles know when they recorded that song almost 50 years ago? What was the force behind their phenomenal success? The force that changed the music world, and in fact, sparked change in masses of people around the world! They named it right in the title:LOVEThe kind of Love that generates this much change, this universal level of change, comes indeed, from the Universe! As we continue to learn about various aspects of the axiom “As Above, So Below”, the experience of Love is primary to understand because Love is the only vibration that exists in the “Above”. It is all-pervasive and is the creative energy for all that exists. To create from this energetic vibration on Earth, the “below”, is our directive, it is what we are here to do! Living here on Earth, if we follow the model of Highest Spiritual Consciousness, we find we have the ability to create a life that is rich, meaningful, and fulfilling. A life where love flows and fear, anger and judgment recede.When we ‘fall in love’, we are able to feel to a small degree the Love that originates in the above. And perhaps at times, even if for only a fleeting moment, you have experienced the deep internal sense of great peace and joy that is part of the “Above” Cosmic Vibration of Love. That is the type that will never be forgotten because its intensity was registered in and responded to, deep in the cells of your body. Imagine living daily from this inner experience!A question that typically arises is, “If it is so good, why can’t I make it happen?” Let’s look a layer deeper and ask instead the question, why do I choose not to make it happen? A most common reason is that we expect that our experiences are dependent on another…if they like me, approve of me, give me love back, etc. And when these things don’t happen, we think we have no choice, “I can’t make him/her love me, approve of me, etc.” and then we become deflated or believe we are unworthy. The reality is that yes, it is correct that we have no choice about other’s actions, but we do have choice about how we respond and what we believe about ourselves. And when we remember that at the core of our being, our inner most essence is spirit…and that we are created from the vibrational energy of Love…then there is no room for anything else! I can choose to remember who I AM, and once again realign with that highest vibration of Love.This choice though, is not one we are used to making. It requires consistent commitment to developing the ability to understand, experience and stay connected to this highest vibrational energy. It requires time, patience, and compassion towards our evolving process. It is not instantaneous; in fact, it evolves throughout our entire lifetime! And it calls upon us to step into the integrity of our True Self, and make choices for our thoughts, words and actions to all reflect the highest energy of unconditional love, “As Above”. Does this mean that we stay in situations that are abusive and just keep giving love? No, in fact, as an adult, the choice to do so comes from faulty conditioning and often from the lower frequency energies of fear, unworthiness, and sadness. We are then in codependence and need to recognize and step out of that mindset and into choices that remind us of our True Self. We can do this in many ways throughout our lives as we move out of powerlessness and reconnect with our I AM spirit. We may find at some times, joining in organized religious and spiritual practices are primary, at other times, we may find our connection through walks in nature, volunteering in service, or time spent in quiet prayer. Sometimes we feel stuck and need the help of counseling to heal old wounds, or studying with a spiritual teacher on a personal path. Any of these ways and more, become the journey of the Soul, the connection to the highest vibration of Love.We invite you to join us on this amazing path through Group Meditations, workshops, Integral Breathwork sessions, Subtle Energy Counseling and through community connection on our Facebook page. And scroll down to listen to our February meditation “Connecting to Divine Love”!And always remember, when you anchor in your “I AM” self, there is…
Nothing you can know that isn't knownNothing you can see that isn't shownNowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to beIt's easyAll you need is loveAll you need is loveAll you need is love, loveLove is all you needThe Beatles, 1967

We wish you much Love and many Blessings,Cheryl and Lynn


Love in Action: Living from the Heart


Be It Resolved That...