Be It Resolved That...

Carrying out our new Resolutions into the world and making them a reality can take on new meaning when we add the power of our Spiritual Connection! Many times we come to that point in the year, or some pivotal point in our lives, when we have decided to make a change. Yes, we were serious, yes we were committed and earnest about our new goal, but for some reason, we were not able to bring the new way into our life.There are actually many reasons why this occurs so frequently! One obvious reason could be that the goal was too ambitious or unrealistic. Often times we tend to think we can do more than we can and we get caught up in that trap of trying to do too many things at once, and then not getting anything done completely. Or we don’t stop to think of all the realities involved in something like quitting smoking, losing weight, etc. But looking to understand at a more subtle, yet more powerful level, that of energy, we may find that we sabotage our own success because we are afraid of it!! What if we succeed? What will that mean? It could mean changes in life, friends, jobs, maybe even moving to a new location. Fear is a toxic emotion that blocks growth on any level. Fear often remains unconscious and therefore is not always so obvious. And some fears are very obvious but create an internal state that is so uncomfortable that we choose to back away instead of confront…fear of change, fear of failure, fear of the unknown to name just a few! And all of these fears, both subtle and obvious, are part of what blocks us from manifesting those New Year’s Resolutions!So, there is a need to move beyond the fears and fortunately, there is a clear and definite ‘other choice’! We can move into the energy of Love, anchor there, and manifest from there! Love , in its purest form, is the highest vibrational energy and the most powerful creative energy. Love that is unconditional and connects us to our Spiritual Source, allows for unlimited abundance and manifestation. And it is available to us at all times! We access it when we pray, meditate, chant, read inspirational information, take a contemplative walk in nature or any other way we have found to make our spiritual connection!And at the spiritual level, “Be It Resolved” and “Let it Be So” are very commanding statements! More than wishing, hoping or trying, they are directed statements of fait accompli, meaning a fact realized or accomplished, a done deal, an action which is completed before those affected by it are in a position to query or reverse it. So when we are ready, earnest, and strongly want to achieve something, we start by remembering the essence of who we are at the core of our being, our Spiritual Self! And then, connected totally to this part of ourselves, we state our Resolution – as if it is already done! This then activates the Universal Energy that draws it to us.Here’s a simple process to get you started…allow about 30 minutes or so! And do this daily for it gets stronger the more it is practiced!

  • Write your Resolution down as if it was already accomplished.
  • Allow yourself some undisturbed time to be relaxed and meditative.
  • Breath slow and deep, imagining that you are breathing it Spiritual Light through the crown of your head into your heart. Spend about 5-10 minutes on this step.
  • Visualize your heart filling with White and Golden Light – luminous, glowing and crystalline. Spend a few minutes here until you can feel the spiritual energy – a warmth, a tingle, a pulsing.
  • Then, restate your resolution as if you are standing in the center of your heart, in the center of the brilliant white and golden Light, proclaiming it so! Repeat your proclamation a few times.
  • Visualize it going out into the cosmos for all the angelic helpers to hear.
  • Visualize a scene in your mind, of what it would look like if your resolution was already complete. See it in detail – a place where you would be, the colors, textures, the people present, the time of year, the sounds you would be hearing…bring it to life in a visual scene that you can see right there in your Luminous Heart – filled with Light and connected to Spirit.
  • Allow yourself to feel the joy, the happiness as if it were a fait accompli! …already done! Allow yourself to fully experience these feelings for a few minutes
  • Then, giving thanks for this experience, slowly bring your awareness back to the room you are in, breathing fully into your body, and coming back to wakeful consciousness with the feelings of joy and confidence of a job well done!

Then, after we think our thoughts that way and we visualize it that way, it is most important that we then make our choices and actions to live as if it were already done! This is the crucial step! Otherwise it reverts back to the level of a wish, hope or dream.

We wish you much Love and many Blessings as you realize your Resolutions!Let it Be So!Cheryl and Lynn, Sacred Healing

All You Need Is Love


Resolutions: The Higher Energies of Anchoring in the New