Resolutions: The Higher Energies of Anchoring in the New
A resolution is an intention. When you resolve to complete something, you are setting your intention on a course of action. To “set your intention” is to infuse your words with energy, much the same as bringing a flame to a candle wick. To set your intention, bring a vision of yourself with your goal completed into your minds eye. Envision yourself with a successful outcome, then see the steps of how you get there, day after day, week after week, holding the course, persevering, growing and changing through the process.**We’ll be writing more about this aspect in the coming weeks, offering guidance for those brave souls engaged in transformation!The other important aspect of resolutions to consider is the higher energies of consciously choosing a resolution with which to guide yourself through the new year. The higher energies enliven a mere goal into something more, they help us see that our ordinary goal contains extraordinary qualities. Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “As above, so below”? The history of this phrase is rich and deep, dating back to the Eighth Century in written documentation, although legend takes it back further still, to mythical gods of ancient Greece and Egypt. It has been recited through the centuries by scholars of philosophy and science. This now famous phrase became immortalized as the second line of the legendary Emerald Tablet, read fully as … “That which is below is as that which is above, and that which is above is as that which is below, to perform the miracles of the one thing.” The Emerald Tablet was revered by great men of science from the antiquities forwards as a document which contained the secrets to transmutation, and a glimpse into understanding the mysteries of the universe.If that which is above is the same as that which is below, then the macrocosmos is the same as the microcosmos. This message conveys that man on earth is the counterpart to God in heaven, because all things have their birth from this one thing. The miracle of the one thing is understood to mean all springs forth from the one thing, we are all one. There is a sense of dynamic interconnectedness, all things are both independent and interrelated.So when you make a New Year’s Resolution such as … lose weight, exercise more, pay bills on time, practice daily self care, etc you are making resolutions for the physical plane, or below. Likewise, as we put our energy into our endeavors below, there is a higher parallel above, on the spiritual plane. As we work on growing and healing our physical body and mind, there is a correlation happening in our energy body.It’s interesting to consider what this may mean for you… For instance, if your resolution is to lose weight as a means of taking care of your physical body, this means that on an energetic plane you will be releasing the heavy thought patterns associated with weight or body issues, and related issues of self worth that have been weighing you down. If your resolution is to pay bills on time, on an energetic realm this means that you are clearing up your integrity, cleaning the messiness out of your energy field, ridding your self of distracted thoughts of what is undone / what you are behind on, thus freeing your mind to stay in the present. In this way there is a correlated energetic cleansing associated with every physical manifestation we successfully heal! Ultimately, as you clear your energy field, it becomes easier to receive messages from and connect with your higher self.As you can see resolutions are powerful in the physical, and their power is even more expansive in the spiritual. When considering the “as above so below” corollary, your ordinary resolutions take on a more expansive and deeper meaning. Consider what the energetic parallel is for your resolution, and let this perspective inspire you!If you aren't sure what your parallel spiritual resolution is, try this brief meditative exercise below, or listen to our guided meditation of the month here.1) Write down your resolution.2) Close your eyes, spend a few minutes focused on your breath to quiet your thoughts.3) Allow yourself to sense, see or feel bright sparkling light coming in through the crown of your head, filling you more with each breath, until your whole being is filled with this radiant light.4) When your mind is at ease, ask up. Ask your Spiritual Connection, higher self, guardian angel, or spirit guide to assist you in gaining clarity.5) Breathe slow, gentle, and full, allowing your mind to relax, while the breath brings you information.6) Remember, trying and grasping create tension and block spiritual support. A state of gentle relaxation and open awareness create a receptive state of mind.7) Spiritual information often comes in symbolic form, as an image, color, shape, memory, daydream, physical sensation, or sometimes a word or a phrase.8) When you sense you are complete, or your timer dings, journal your experience in stream of consciousness writing. Often this helps integrate what you received.