Root Chakra: Healing Fears, Being Present

Let’s talk about the root chakra, and how it fits into our lives in the here and now … what we most need to know about it’s functioning and how we relate to this energy center in order to better understand ourselves and our world.We are like plants, we are like flowers and trees, we live symbiotically with them, sharing the bounty from our Mother Earth. Much as our human mothers nursed us at their breast, mother earth has nursed us as well; and it is through her that we are connected to the great web of life in which we live. Our connection to the bounty of this beautiful world is through our root chakra.(For a refresher on the basics of the root chakra, please see our previous blog, Root Chakra Energy Healing!).The great significance of the root chakra is in rooting us, grounding us, connecting us deeply to this planet, our Mother Earth, and our physical body. We came here as Spirit, a spark of light from the Divine, from the great beyond … the heavens … Light. We came into human form, choosing our human parents, grounding into self inside of our human mother. But before we even reached our human mother, we came through into the earth’s atmosphere, and felt the new energy here … much denser than our prior home of light and love … we can imagine how this atmosphere may have felt to us as we transitioned into this world … it may not have felt easy, we likely felt needy … our first bonding was with Mother Earth, with her Spirit … Despite all of the tumult going on in the world, we found ourselves in her embrace. For most of us, it’s this aspect of Mother Earth’s energy that we seek when we are upset and thus step outside to breathe, take walks in nature, look at the stars. We long once again to feel truly nurtured, to find solace … we find that in her embrace it is safe to let loose the pent up emotions and just be. This was our very first embrace on our journey of becoming. Our second bonding connection is the more personal one, with our human mother. Similarly, this connection may have felt tenuous or strong, soft or hard, chaotic or soothing. It is in these first two connections, along with connections to other primary caregivers of our earliest hours, days and weeks as a human, that our root chakra was established.As the first energy center of our physical body, our root chakra is the fertile soil in which our sense of safety and abundance grows. When all is well in our internal world, when our mother is a calm and safe refuge, we feel safe to be here in this new world, connected with our mother. The root chakra then connects us strongly to our physical body along with the body of our new home earth!What happens when we don’t have a feel good experience in bonding with our mother? What if our mother is anxious, overburdened, worried, addicted, angry, or overwhelmed? What if mother’s subtle energy doesn’t feel like a refuge? What happens when we, for one reason or another, are unable to get the love and nurturing that we so desperately need and so fully deserve?What happens is this … When you are born into a world in which you don’t feel safe, you don’t engage fully, which means your root chakra remains closed, only partially open and flowing, or has a sensitive switch and closes down easily.1) What this looks like at the subtle energy level is that we don’t let our light shine, we are then an energetic being who doesn’t plug into the circuitry available to us here - via our bodies and our planet. We aren’t using the subtle energy design of the system we were born with properly. When we’re plugged in and connected, we have a reciprocal relationship between our energetic essence and our physical body. On another level, once we plug in, we become energetically connected to the web of life around us, enabling us to respond with sensitivity to the diverse needs around us, in a manner which is healthy and helpful.2) What this looks like at the psychological level is that we live in fear … The baby whose needs aren’t met are not going to be able to believe in abundance. No, instead they are going to believe in lack. They are going to believe that they were born into a world which was unable to meet their needs. Or they are going to experience a nagging sense of anxiety about their inability to be safe, or to have their needs met. They believe this not because they have conscious thoughts that they can name and call beliefs: they don’t even have words yet. Without conscious thinking processes yet in place, they come to believe this because this is their experience. These experience crystallize into unconscious beliefs that then guide behaviors, eventual thought processes, and the overall ways of relating to the world - all at an unconscious level.The beauty of the chakra subtle energy system is that it provides us with a quick and efficient way to know ourselves deeply, and as such offers an accessible path to healing. As you practice tuning in to your own frequency, and get to know your internal cues, specifically those beyond the thinking mind … you will find a wealth of information, similar to your own radio frequency, guiding you from within. Knowing where the energy centers are helps you zone in, to discern their specific messages. With a little practice, you can begin to feel what opens or closes / strengthens or weakens the functioning of each energy center. Each also has it’s own keys to work with … the color, sound, element, note, frequency, and beliefs. Working with the vibration of these keys is also helpful!Follow our posts on FaceBook this month to learn more about working with the energies of your root chakra for healing and growth! Or join us on 9/9/17 for our group meditation on the energies of the root chakra followed by our full day Root Chakra Workshop!

Much Love and Many Blessings on your Sacred Journey!Lynn and Cheryl

The Bridge from Belonging to Feeling!


Journey To Light: Rediscovering Love as our True Nature