Journey To Light: Rediscovering Love as our True Nature

One of my very favorite sensations is the experience of moving through dappled sunlight beneath trees. It's that magical sensation of two worlds merging ... the coolness of the shadowy space beneath the trees suddenly meets the brilliance of the light, and then they dance, weaving back and forth in intricate patterns of darkness & light .... There's a similar sensation when swimming underwater, and the sunshine plays with the waves, creating ripples of sunlight and out, moving in and out of darkness and light ... What's the draw towards this sensation - so acutely familiar, a sense of sheer exhilaration and freedom!? It's organic to our nature - this sensation, for we ourselves are made from these substances, darkness and light, earth and stars, human and spirit.

Yes, this is us! It is both our nature and our journey ... Spirit coming into form before our birth to create us, (the clay of earth mixed with the breath of life) ... and then our life's journey moving from form once again finding our way back to Spirit - light to darkness, darkness to light. And within one lifetime's journey, we seem to re-experience again and again those moments of exposure, as Adam and Eve experienced in their infamous fall from Grace in the Garden of Eden, as they suddenly fell into shame ... their journey from light into shadow.

We all have these moments - of moving from light into shadow. The more honest we grow within ourselves, the better we are able to recognize these episodes of descending into shadowy realms and hold onto ourselves within them. Once we are able to hold onto ourselves in the midst of vulnerable feelings, not succumbing to shame, but rather loving ourselves through the tough times and vulnerable times - bouts of fear or anger ... this is the turn-around, where we begin to move once again from darkness into the light of our true nature. As we learn to love ourselves, we turn back towards the Divine. Love is our birthright and Divinity is our essential nature.

Loving ourselves more helps us judge ourselves less, even in the midst of our messiness. We are going to make mistakes, and we are going to have big emotions and emotional reactions - we're human after all. It's all part of our trajectory, of finding our way back to our light nature by loving each and every part of ourselves and honoring every feeling.

As we learn to love each aspect of self, we are raising that aspect up from the shadows, and transforming it into its highest nature. Ever hear the Jungian term "shadow"? That's what we're talking about here. This process of loving the parts of ourselves we thought were unlovable releases shame. It's impossible to move into our light nature when we're in shame because shame makes us want to hide and blame. Shame keeps us stuck from growing and becoming. As we acknowledge and love the parts of ourselves that we've been afraid to acknowledge, a transformation takes place.

As we honor rather than hide our feelings of anger and allow healthy expression we become more empowered, fear transforms into joy, sadness into compassion, hurt into trust, and shame into spontaneity! Honoring our feelings rather than hiding them is a big step on the journey of self love. We begin to heal. Emotions are energy in motion, they are organic, and like all organic things they change and grow. Transformation is their true nature. As we allow them to transform within us, they are transformational agents for us.

We are on a journey of love, born of love, journeying back to love. Love is the key ingredient here! Love yourself more, treat yourself with kindness, and enjoy the journey of a lifetime, as you journey back to light!

Much Love & Many Blessings!
Lynn & Cheryl


Root Chakra: Healing Fears, Being Present


Coming out of the Shadows