Coming out of the Shadows

The bright sun of August, full in the sky, rays shining down, seemingly endless. When directly overhead and pouring into our crown chakra, there is little shadow self cast upon our walk. But as the world turns, our shadow self takes on various sizes, is expressed at various angles, sometimes assumes odd distortions. This is true not only for our physical self, but also for our Inner Self on our Spiritual journey!

When we stand fully in the Light of Divine Consciousness, we are filled with Light, inside we feel unified, peaceful, blissful. Externally, we beam Light to all around us – sharing the Love, Nurturance, and Beauty that we have been receiving…we become a channel! What we receive flows out to others naturally, without effort. But as our Spiritual world turns, just like the physical world, we move into new frequencies and vibrations, and our Inner Light shines on our inner shadows, the parts of us still not living in alignment with Love. And just like with physical shadows, the odd distortions and varied angles from which we think and act from our inner shadow self, show up in our limiting or judgmental thoughts and beliefs about self or others, our fears, and our actions that take us away from harmony and unity.

So, what to do about the shadow self? In the physical world, we see it, accept it as inevitable, and mostly disregard it! However, in the Spiritual Realms, we interact with it more directly! While we may not want to look at those places we limit ourselves, not looking keeps us anchored to the physical realms and impedes our journey in consciousness! Our potential lies in our awakening to what lies in the shadows, what is unseen, unknown, unconscious. As we confront, process, and release the distortions of the shadow, we open to being increasingly more of our Divine Essence, moving through life in alignment with our Soul’s purpose.

The frequency of that which is received from connecting to and merging with Divine Consciousness carries a very high vibration…and one that is inherent within us. There is an inner resonance that ignites a spark, an inspiration, a sense of Truth to let us Know we are opening, expanding and growing. Those inner cues affirm us deeply, empower us on our journey, and shift our thoughts, feelings, and actions as we move through our physical world. We become more able to connect from our heart, ever increasing our ability to Love – unconditionally! For that higher vibration is Love! To be able to access it, hold it, and live from it necessitates that all that is not Love is released, all that lives in the distortions of the shadow be transformed into the Truth from which it originated. This leaves us then, to become more of a Light in this physical world, the Light of our Divine inner nature, our Soul.

As we begin to move about the world in this way, we find that we are no longer disconnected, alone, or in fear or despair. In fact, just the opposite! We see beauty in our surroundings, we make heartfelt connections – even if it is simply a smile to someone we pass on the street. We find solace in our most difficult of times, through prayer, meditation, and support from others – both in the physical and non-physical, spiritual realms. The more we transmute, transform, and transcend the shadows, the larger our capacity to hold our Divine Light and expand our consciousness.

This moves us back into standing fully in the Light once more! We learn, we grow, we discover new ways and uncover unknown potential! That inner spark, Divine in nature, ignites the spark within all who we encounter if they are ready! That inner spark, Energetic in nature, is carried to others in our loving thoughts without us even having to be in their presence! What a magical, mystical journey we choose as over and over, we face the shadows to dispel the distortions and step more fully into alignment with our Soul’s purpose for this life!

Moving Into the Light – One Step at a time!
Holding the Vibration!
Cheryl and Lynn


Journey To Light: Rediscovering Love as our True Nature


Inner Unity, Inner Harmony