Inner Unity, Inner Harmony

Ever have that scattered feeling inside? Perhaps it is experienced physically with shakiness, or being internally jittery. Perhaps it is experienced as your mind racing with thoughts. Or perhaps it is more of a sense of feeling ‘flighty’ or easily distracted. This is your cue! It is time to realign with your inner Light, your Spiritual body…all the way to the cellular level!!

Yes! At the very center cellular structure! Our cells are made up of molecules, and molecules are made up of atoms, and at the center of the atomic structure of our being is…ENERGY!! IN the core of the atom, the nucleus, is the positive energy charge of the protons and swirling around the nucleus are electrons which carry a negative charge. The energy levels vary, and are both attracting and repelling! Whew, no wonder we feel scattered at times! Or fatigued!

When we shift our awareness from the physical self to the spiritual self, we talk about our energetic body, sometimes referred to as our Light Body because Light is both symbolic of Divine Consciousness as well as the vibrational source of our Spirit. Everything we engage in, both internal and external, impacts our Light Body. We’ve all experienced the external drains of energy…a tough day, a tense situation. And internally, we experience energy loss when we are focused on fear, worries or other negativities. On the other hand, we have amazing potential to hold light, balanced and connected to our Divine Source, to feel energized and inspired about life!

This then, becomes the Soul’s journey! To create inner unity, harmony and balance between our physical self and our Divine Self. To delve into the “Oneness”, is to come home in a Spiritual sense, to remember who we are and where we originated! We awaken to this in stages, through experiences, books, teachers. We use tools such as music, candles, incense; and techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, intentional nature walks; and guidance that comes from many sources such as prayers, teachers, dreams, synchronicity in life.

The reality though, is that we already are One! For many reasons, we have forgotten this and the journey of our Soul is to re-member – meaning to once again, merge with Source where are membership is eternal – it always was and always will be! And when we are in alignment with the Truth of who we are, we are One, working in unity and partnership with the Light that is not ‘out there’, but within! We experience this as the Peace that Passes Understanding!

And so it is!
May you live from your heart and remember!
Cheryl and Lynn


Coming out of the Shadows

