The Bridge from Belonging to Feeling!

One of our first tasks in life is to learn how to survive in the world, detached from our mother and from the automatic supply of all that we needed. This is a parallel process of a similar nature to our experience when we were in spirit form, leaving the Universal Source where once we were merged in unity with all there is, and in that oneness, we had everything we needed! But then, on the descent into form, we had to discover our way back to connection in a new way – to a human form. Once again, we found ourselves as one with another as we embedded into the womb, but in this physical dimension, it was very different! There was a lot to learn and where once we were nothing but energy, here, in human form, we found we had only centers of energy within a very dense form!

In those first hours to years of life, our development takes place within the energy center of our root Chakra, as we learn to become ‘rooted’ in our new earthly existence. This is a very involved process for such a young soul! How we move through that stage, leaves us with a sense of belonging that correlates to our experiences – positive or negative, and the energy of this chakra reflects those experiences. With a healthy environment where love was shown, harmony prevailed, and needs were met consistently, our spiritual energy resonates with its Divine frequency and it flows freely within our human form. However, dependent upon all that was lacking our earliest environments – from the womb through those first couple of years, our Root Chakra energy could be restricted, blocked, numbed, or even closed down. Our energy ebbs and flows as we continue to grow, but soon we connect to the world around us through more than our survival and need to belong, we connect through the energy of feelings and emotions.

This activates the energy of our Sacral Chakra, the second of three energy centers that ground us in our human existence. This important chakra is critical in our feeling of well-being. Our emotions, sensuality/sexuality and creativity begin in the energetic development of this chakra. You can begin to imagine this chakra energy system as one that is connected from one chakra to the next, through a bridge of energy. A rainbow bridge of light, that has inherent within it, vibrations of great love, and connection to our spiritual source that provides support and guidance for our journey on Earth.

As we open to the energies of the Sacral Chakra, we discover that it is paramount in our growth and development as it begins to define the foundation for the relationships we will have in life. We begin to become reactive to others in connection to how we feel when we are around them. We become seekers of pleasure! When we experience healthy love and secure attachment, the energy of this chakra is activated and flows in a rhythm of pleasure. If we experience rejection, discounting, or abuse, our energy fades, withdraws, tightens and restricts. When this happens, we form all sorts of unhealthy ways to attach to others in order to feel connected. We may then learn to be pleasers, or to be meek and never cause conflict to be accepted, or we get demanding or controlling to get what we want, just to name a few!!

It is an exciting journey to begin to understand ourselves through our innate energy system! As we integrate though experiential understanding, we can transform our lives! In October, we will be exploring and experiencing the energy of the Sacral Chakra in our blogs, meditations and workshop on October 21st. See our Facebook event or our website for details and to register.

Transformation through Integration!
Your Sacred Healing Journey begins energetically!

Many Blessings,
Cheryl and Lynn


Third Blog Post


Root Chakra: Healing Fears, Being Present