Returning to Inspired Presence


September is a time of returning … returning from get-aways and gatherings, returning from the often more relaxed pace of summer where the sun and the beaches, the flowers and the forests have invited us into a more leisurely pace, a more nuanced connection with nature which feeds our soul and calms our minds. With the coming of September we return back to our more structured lives of work and school and the daily routines that support these busier days. Some of us have even been known to sound as if we’re buckling in for the ride, a sense of hanging on for dear life, as life’s about to become a blur!

This moment is our chance. This pause before the storm is our perfect opportunity to reflect on what we’ve gathered during these long leisurely days of summer in which we’ve been nourished by the light that sustains the world and nurtured by the lushness and beauty all around us.

Gather up a few of those precious jewels now, pause and breathe, and reflect on a few of your most precious moments of summer … a sunset walk on a beach, the laughter of children, a campfire with loved ones, a night under the stars, sunrise with the flowers in your yard, whatever those moments are for you … notice the emotion present in yourself now as you sink into your favorite one, breathing into the feeling of that moment, notice where you feel it in your body, and allow yourself to feel that sensation … As you sink in there you may notice a sense of opening or expansion somewhere in your body - heart, stomach, throat, a lightness, bubbling, tingly … all of these sensations are expressions of a higher and lighter vibration! We can touch on these moments and rest on these moments, to recall this higher state of awareness.

As we fill ourselves with this higher energy now, we bring it into the present, we open to it and it fills us. It is by remembering that you are able to feel this expansive energy in your body. You do this so easily and naturally because it is your divine right, the higher and more expansive you vibrate the closer you get to your true nature, the essence that is at the core of your being. Choose now to live from this place of remembering who you are in essence. Choose now to stop seeing yourself as just this body or just these thoughts. You have the power to choose to shift your perspective, and choose to begin to feel yourself as the essence that you are, Divine essence, a spark of source, breath of life!

As you begin more and more to feel and see yourself as Divine essence, then you begin to sense the merging of your mind (small self) with Divine mind. This is a big shift, because now as you are returning to your routines, you are not going back to that smaller version of yourself, you are bringing inspiration with you, carrying this expansion in your heart. Every interaction you touch has the potential to be changed as you hold the possibilities of this new perspective … it becomes easier to notice and let go of old habits, easier to soften and open rather than cling or fight, easier to pause and breathe rather than doing more faster, everything becomes easier when we do the small daily effort of staying connected, living in the light of Spirit.

As we continue to grow into the habit of finding this inspiring presence within ourselves, life begins to flow more harmoniously. Let’s let this September be a time of returning to inspired presence, returning to our truest essence!

Many Blessings to you on this beautiful journey!Lynn & Cheryl


Our "Inner Sensing" of Autumn


Living the Dream