Living the Dream

What is your dream; and are you living it? aug2forest If you’re not living your dream life now, what’s stopping you? Not enough money, time, education? Many of us have begun to see and understand in recent years that all of these facets of life we thought were controlling our destinies are actually fairly superficial variables.

There are truly only a couple of variables that can stop you from living your dream, and surprisingly, you and only you are in charge of them! Let’s take a look at these powerful facets of your mind and Spirit that guide the flow and direction of your unfolding journey.

First of all you must have a dream or vision for your life, know your dream and own your dream, as the oft quoted Yogi Berra said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up some place else.” Your personal dream is always present in your heart, patiently waiting for you to pay attention and allow it to be born. We were born into this earth-plane with the dream already intact, safely tucked into our heart center, the dwelling place of our soul. aug2roots Our soul chose our life’s dream and then manifested into form: our soul is ready and willing to guide us, all that is required is the ability to read our own hearts, to not be distracted by other’s views, choices, or criticisms, and to steer the course, to listen and respond to the tugging of our heartstrings.

The next step is to believe in yourself; and to believe in yourself from the core of your being, the way you would believe in successful outcomes for your good friend, your child, or your hero … believe in yourself with passion, and enthusiasm! (Feel free to check out our earlier blog this month for tips on this process.) Release all self-doubt, release the inner judge and flood yourself with unconditional love instead! Make a daily practice of anchoring in to mother earth through your root chakra (see our July Meditation), opening your crown chakra, and filling with the higher energies of light from above: this is a great practice for an energetic boost in flushing out old habits of mind and anchoring in the new.

Last but not least, be open to the higher energies supporting your growth and guiding your path. These are the very energies that help to transform an idea into a reality. Our daily lives are, in fact, filled to the brim with layers of helping, healing and higher energies. From the energies of rocks and plants, to that of angels and other light beings who are here to support us, and everything thing in between and beyond. There are so many ways to look at higher energies that it boggles the mind — from higher energies of an interaction between two people (taking the higher road), to higher energies of the day, week, month, etc. via astrology, to living from your Higher Self or allowing your soul to guide your actions and thoughts versus the ego with its defensive structures, to the higher energies that open as we learn to practice mindfulness and reign our monkey mind in, as we learn to attune to the moment, to the sacred belief in God directing our path as we surrender our personal will to the higher, etc. As we open to the higher energies, we also give over to the mystery, committing to going with the flow to a great extent, to not get overly attached to a particular outcome, but to continue to read and respond to the energies as your open clear heart interprets them; or as the Buddhists would say, to remain open and flexible rather than rigid in our understanding. After all, it’s the rigid expectations / understanding that produces suffering.

In the old world order, we believed we were powerless and that outside forces controlled much of our existence: in that belief system we often saw ourselves as a pawn in an unknown game, otherwise known as victim of circumstances. But in the new world in which we’re finding ourselves now, we’re understanding that everything is energy in motion — changeable and interacting with and responding to us, that we are a part of this system interconnected with all life, connected through energy also called Spirit, that all life is infused with Spirit, and that there are higher energies guiding and supporting our every move.

So if you haven't started yet, it’s not too late, never too late … Live the Dream!

If you need a little help starting a meditation practice, join us for our monthly group meditation. Creating that internal sense of spaciousness that a daily meditation practice offers is a cornerstone practice for learning to quiet the mind and listen to your Soul.

We are happy to be here with you on your journey. Many Blessings in your unfoldment!With Love, Lynn & CherylPhotos by Shannon Sweeney


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