Let Your Life Take Flight

Soar Higher than you ever thought possible!
Dare to be Free of Limiting Beliefs!Actualize Your Potential!Dare to be who you Truly Are!Let your Life Take Flight!august5blogWhat if you got up one morning and decided to stop limiting yourself with the beliefs you acquired in the 20th century? What if you allowed yourself to embrace an amazing new journey where the words “I can’t” are replaced with “I will”? Where an inspired vision of your future replaced the trauma memories of your past?This can be your choice!We so often walk through our lives carrying an inner judge that criticizes, shames and creates self-doubt, and we then feel blocked, trapped and stuck. We stop dreaming, stop risking, and stop the very discovery process that so amazed us as new babies in this world! Somewhere throughout our lives, when we were very small and powerless, the people that held authority over us – parents, teachers, siblings, religious leaders, etc. – began to tell us statements about our worth or our abilities that were restrictive, negating and fear-based. Sometimes as a way of warning us about the dangers in the world. Other times, they were speaking from their own limited beliefs and insecurities. Still other times, there was intentional abuse – robbing us of our True Essence. our Spirit, our Light. Over time, we came to believe that we actually were who they said we were, we identified with the powerlessness with which we were treated. And we even internalized it so well, that we began to use their words and actions ourselves – our own thoughts then began to torment us, held us ‘in check’ until we came to believe that this collection of judgments, criticisms and shame, was who we were. And our choices, rooted in this mindset, became limited. Our actions lost spontaneity, our emotions swayed toward negativity, and our life evolved into a small world where either we began acting like the person we were told we were (self-fulling prophecy), or we recreated relationships with others who became the current external authority that replayed harsh authority of the past, or somehow we found a small slice of safety and became content living in a limited world!But the amazing thing is that this inner judge was created…it is not real, only created! So the criticisms, the judgements, the shame and all the limiting beliefs that resulted CAN BE UNCREATED!! What?!?! I’m not really worthless? Or useless? Or unlovable? Or uncreative, disloyal, fat, ugly, lazy, not good enough, bad, mean, etc.…sadly, the list of judgments we endured was endless.But, for just one moment, stop. Think instead of the day you were born. Think for a moment, of yourself as a brand new baby. Think of all the other new souls born that same day. Try to imagine these innocent newborns as worthless, useless or less than. Quite silly right? Here are these beautiful souls, born only seeking to be loved! Neither you, nor any of them, were born with a negative set of beliefs about themselves! All those beautiful souls, perfect beings seeking love and acceptance. No matter what they looked like, what physical or mental abilities or challenges they had, all they needed was Love and acceptance. Then off they went…out into this imperfect world – they themselves still perfect little beings! The only difference was that they began to be told: no, you can’t do that; no, you are not good enough; no, you do not know what you are talking about; no, stop living in a fantasy world; who do you think you are; and on and on. In very short time, you stopped being this amazing soul, filled with wonder, imagination and the drive to discover and conquer the world around you. You stopped at the edges of the world that was created for you. You blocked thoughts and inspirations that made you unique because being different seemed like a bad thing. And you stopped believing that all things were possible.Well…NOW is the time to rethink yourself! To reimagine, in fact to remember who you are! To open your mind, your heart and your life to embrace your truth! It doesn’t matter if you are 8, 48 or 88…you can take part in this wondrous transformation!
It is time to celebrate you! To really challenge the limiting beliefs…am I really that, or have I grown into who/what I was told? If just for a month, I didn’t believe I had any limitations, didn’t make choices based on limited beliefs…who would I be? What would I choose? If just for a month, I went out into the world with a sense of equality, smiling and talking to those who cross my path, stepping beyond my fears and saying yes to new opportunities, in fact, creating new opportunities? WOW! I imagine at the end of the month you wouldn’t choose to go back to living a “less than” life! You would probably find yourself using words like incredible, exciting, amazing, superb, delightful, inspiring…and on and on for this list is endless too!!And now, just for a moment, let’s expand this a bit more! Imagine that each and every one of us reading this, makes this change for a month! And as we do, each and every one of us then inspires one other person to reimagine their life…and they do the same thing! It’s possible! It is already there in potential form! All we need do is imagine it! Step into it! Live it! Come back home to our own divine essence and embrace our magnificence in ways small and large!
 May your journey be filled with wonder and excitement and your discoveries be astounding!Much Love and Many Blessings,Cheryl and Lynn 


Living the Dream


Moving from Independence to ”In – dependence”…a Journey of Spirit!