Moving from Independence to ”In – dependence”…a Journey of Spirit!


In this month, when the United States celebrates their Independence, their freedom, let’s take this opportunity to look at what this means. Independence, whether for a country, a cultural group, or an adolescent, means a pulling away from some person, some situation that is perceived as holding them back.

  • This usually involves rebellion at the least, and outright war at its worst, to accomplish this objective.
  • There is a very physical action of some sort that is taken and a sense of separation or when complete.

On the Earth plane of existence, when independence is declared, it is celebrated and often seen as a normal stage of growth – of a developing person or nation. But, this Earth is also the plane of existence where duality resides and leads to competition, black and white thinking, divisiveness, judgments, etc. Might there be a better way?

As we explored in the April 1st blog, “Of Three Minds”, there are many ways to understand our world and concepts such as independence. We have what we call, First Mind, that of our human experience in this physical world; then we move to perceiving through what we call Second Mind, that of our awakening Spiritual Self; and then we move to Third Mind, that of merging with and operating from, the Divine Source of our Spiritual Essence. If we choose, we can allow each perspective to progressively expand our thinking, attune us to a higher vibration and move us into a place of increased consciousness from which to make decisions and choices for moving forward in our life. So let’s see how we can do this with our view of “Independence”!

If we consider the physical plane perspective as described above, let’s move on to the Second Mind, the Awakening Spiritual Self. Here we can see a bit of evolved thinking as we consider an ‘independent thinker’ or an ability to ‘work independently’. In this context, we still see someone who ‘stands out’ or ‘stands apart’ in some way, but is still a valued and included as part of the whole. There is a value placed on what the person does while ‘apart’ from the group, but is still considered very much ‘a part’ of the group. The independent thinker contributes ideas to the greater society at large in various ways, while the independent worker, while working perhaps at home or in another country, is still giving back to the main group. So, this is the awakening…we can be ‘apart’, but still very much be ‘a part’ of the whole!

  • This leads to a sense of being as part of a team, of belonging to something larger than ourselves.
  • The actions taken from this perspective contribute to the good for the group, towards unity of purpose.

If we now move on to consider the Third Mind perspective, that of merging with and operating from, the Divine Source, which is our Spiritual Essence, then there is complete unity of heart, mind and purpose. When we consider the concept of independence from this perspective, we understand the word to be “in – dependence”. This means that we bring our awareness inside to the Spiritual Self, and we ‘depend’ on that guidance for our actions, the guidance that comes from being One with the Source of all that exists! This brings us into resonance with the Universal Divine Vibration which is Love. Pure and Unconditional.

  • In our act of in(inner) dependence at this level of awareness, we ‘depend inward’, we merge with our inner light and discover harmony and unity.
  • The actions taken from this connection expand consciousness for ourselves and others for there is no separation when we merge with the Source of all that exists. There is realization that what one does, impacts the whole in deep and integral ways.

Not many people living on this physical Earth fully achieve this Third Mind perspective from which to base their actions. But each time we turn inward, through prayer, meditation, or other deep connection to Spirit, we grow in this direction. Each time we merge with the Inner Light, we expand our consciousness...and as we are all connected, we take an active part in evolving world consciousness! And I think we can all agree…that this is something we need more of!

Blessings on your journey in this exciting world in which we live…in this time of quickening spiritual ascension…of your connection to the multidimensional perceptions that are being given to us to help us heal and remember who we truly are!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Cheryl and Lynn


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