Our "Inner Sensing" of Autumn


HERE we are, Autumn is just around the corner! We might think, "we got this", right? We Know what is coming...the weather gets cooler, the leaves start to change color, and before you know it, the marketing for the holidays begins! And if we pay close attention, we can actually feel the change coming...with all of our senses!

We smell the fall fragrances of Mother Earth, the dampened leaves, and toasting marshmallows!

We hear the sounds of rustling leaves, brisk winds as they build towards their winter howling, and parents calling their children to do their homework or get to bed because there is school in the morning!

Our mouths begin to water for the tastes of the season...the flavor of pumpkin spice or butternut squash!

And our eyes feast on the splendor of nature as the colors change from greens to reds, yellows and browns, and we see the birds fly in formation, heading to warmer climates!

All of these sensory experiences create the patterning of the fall season...all safe, predictable and comforting. Yet, what if we chose to take this to another level? What we if decided to "Spiritualize Autumn" through awakening or becoming more conscious of our ‘inner senses’?

What could this mean; how would I do this? Well, our first step would be to transcend our sense of predictability and open to a sense of wonder! This opens us to the energy of possibility, and allows for the opportunity to move from the ordinary to the extraordinary! We can begin by using our ability to sense the physical world as a model, but then, instead of focusing externally at the world, we focus internally, towards our spiritual world! Using our active imagination (click: blog for more information on how to do this), move into your inner meditative space and then allow yourself to imaginatively engage with your senses in these ways:

  • What might our inner sense of smell perceive if we could perhaps smell the fragrances of the heavens?
  • What might we hear with our inner hearing? The sounds of heavenly tones, chants or messages whispered from the angelic realms?
  • What might we taste if we sipped the sweet nectars with the angels or the earthy, buttery gift of honey shared in community with our Spirit?
  • What might we see if we explored the spiritual universe? What amazing beauty would we behold in the cosmic realms?

Why would we do this? Isn’t this just a silly experience that fosters daydreaming instead of productivity? Actually, no! When we spend time communing with our spiritual nature, we energize ourselves in many beneficial ways. First, on the physical level, we get a respite from the stresses in life, and our body relaxes, repairs and heals. Second, when we elevate our mind’s eye and our inner senses, our breath becomes more than simply a way to oxygenate our body, it becomes the more subtle and powerful pranic breath that renews the life force energy of our Spiritual Essence. This gives us energy, motivation, and insight to be innovative and creative in ways well beyond what our “busy, productive” behaviors ever could! And third, it ascends our thoughts and feelings to a higher vibration, which is a foundational experience that elevates our thoughts and feelings from negative, limiting or painful to expanded, ascended, and unlimited. When we do this as part of our everyday lives, we open ourselves to the wonderment our life! To the excitement of the unknown instead of the dread...to expanded awareness of possibility instead of tunnel vision that keeps us small and stuck...to a whole new way of spiritual connection that is alive, interactive and uplifting!

May you open to the many blessings of the ‘spiritual’ autumn and rejoice in all it has to offer! Much Love surrounds and supports your journey!Cheryl and Lynn


Before the human body, there was the Light Body!


Returning to Inspired Presence