Before the human body, there was the Light Body!


Much controversy arises when discussion centers around whether the Soul exists eternally. Does it live in the body? If so, where? Does it have weight? Does it re-incarnate? If so, does it retain its memories? Does the concept of Karma include atonement from previous lives? The questions go on and on as does the debate between science, religion, spirituality, philosophy, and others. We struggle with that which we cannot see physically or prove scientifically. Yet the mysteries of the world exist! Someone gets cured of a disease that doctors cannot explain, a new discovery about energy changes the way we view the world forever more, such as with Quantum Physics. Or what was once thought impossible continuously gets replaced with discovering what is possible, leaving most everything in the realm of potential possibility! We are learning that if we ponder specific questions and intentions for solutions with open-minded curiosity, the next step is revealed!

And so it is with belief in the Soul’s existence. From the mystery teachings handed down through the ages, to the now rather common experiences of déjà vu and past life recall, to growing acceptance of intuition or 6th sense ability. The prolific researched benefits and power of our thoughts when engaged in meditation or mindfulness, leave us unable to accept that what we can’t see or explain doesn’t exist!

When people have had very profound spiritual experiences, it is quite common that a bright light of some kind is a focal point. Religions and Holy Books describe the ‘halo of Light’ or the ‘bright star of Light’, or the “Light of the heavens”, the “Angelic Light” and in many more ways, describe Light or Luminosity.


Before we had a human body, we had a Light Body!

When we open to higher levels of our consciousness, or remember our true eternal essence, our Soul, we gain expanded awareness. What we previously didn’t know, understand, see, or feel, moves from possibility to reality. We find ourselves interacting with people and situations that guide us into new understanding and new ways of experiencing our life and the world. We begin to see the connectedness of all things, how our thoughts and intentions create our reality, how healing is different than curing, and how Light in its energetic form carries information. And then, one step further, when we immerse ourselves in that Light, with our breath and our meditations, we are able to reawaken and expand our own inner Light – our Light Body. This allows us to access information, ask for assistance, seek answers that are then brought into form in our daily lives!

We invite you to join in our monthly meditations to experience this connection to and immersion in the Spiritual Light and come home to your own Divinity. Reawaken to the Light Body that is your essence, the Truth of who you are beyond your humanness. Recharge your inner energy centers, the Chakras, to give you the energy to create an extraordinary life from your highest Illuminated Self! It is an amazing journey and we are honored to be on it with you!

Much Love and Many Blessings,
Cheryl and Lynn


Be the Light that You Wish to See In the World


Our "Inner Sensing" of Autumn