I AM…Multidimensional!

While I am walking through my day, I AM aware. I AM aware that even though I am walking on this physical planet called Earth, I AM also a Soul…a Soul with a purpose. And so are you!

Each of us has the choice to believe only one version of ourselves, that of our human experience, or to expand our awareness and at the same time, perceive our Soul’s existence. If we choose the latter, we are moving into a deeper understanding of ourselves, ourselves as a spiritual being that is having a human existence! This is the beginning of understanding ourselves as multidimensional beings. The ability to perceive more than one dimension of ourselves. While it may seem like a simple concept, cultivating a deep inner exploration of this awareness is very powerful.

Buried beneath the surface, where the unseen, untouched is still pristine, is where we find the jewels. Whether that is the beautiful crystals and gems deep within the Earth, or the hidden scrolls of lost civilizations found on archeological digs, or our own true nature found when we navigate the depths of our consciousness. In meditation, we close our eyes and go inward. In this way, we begin to see the unseen…Light, colors, images. And we connect with information shared in messages, gifts, and symbols. “Oh, the places we go!” to discover the many dimensions of Self!

It iStock_000030452386_Large_miniis quite the phenomenal experience, so much so in fact, that it is often chalked up as a flight of fancy or an illusion of imagination, a fantasy. But just what if one could move beyond the daydream, the fanciful, and connect deeply within the mysteries of spirit? Move deep into prayer or meditation, hear the voice of the Divine Source? Touch the high vibrations of healing Light of Love? What if, in an instant, your life was touched in a way that changed you forever? No longer would there be doubt, or fear, or challenge of reality, for it would now move into the realm of personal experience. And these experiences then become the guidance for our lives. The teachings received are profound in that they are not only powerful in the moment, but over time, an awakening to deeper understanding unfolds.

Once the Soul is stirred in this way, inspiration comes. New ideas replace old, rigid thoughts that no longer serve you. New behaviors replace the boredom of routines and procrastination while new levels of energy transmute exhaustion and lethargy. Instead of living in a world of limitation, there is an inner awareness of the cosmic universes. Sense of purpose then inspires action, meaning is infused in life, and an inner evolving of spirit perpetuates itself continually.

This process happens slowly, sometimes imperceptibly, over a lifetime. In the physical world, we are able to see over a lifetime, how a person matures in body, in thinking processes used, and in emotional growth. Spiritually, it is often a bit more subtle as the inner calling of our soul offers us many paths. You may find yourself at one time in life, led to a particular book or a teacher, while at another time, there is an interest in learning yoga or qi gong, and then later, the idea of meditation becomes an interest where it once was easily dismissed in the busy-ness of life. Each of these are paths among a multitude of choices that bring teachings and guidance, patiently opening doorways and windows on our Spiritual journey, ultimately awakening us to the Divinity within the sacred vessel of the human body!


Cheryl and Lynn


Sound is an amazing change agent


Claiming the Magnificence of your Being!