Sound is an amazing change agent

The Healing Aspects of Sound

Sound is an amazing change agent! It can cheer us up, move us to tears, or relax us! Sound can be irritating, distracting, soothing…it can create a mood in a movie to bring us deeper into the experience. Depending on its pitch, vibration, and frequency, its booming nature can shake foundations, its high-pitched nature can shatter glass, or its monotone nature can bore even the most astute student!

april7Certain tones and vibrations combined become Sacred. What this means is that there are some sounds that have the ability to move us deeper into our consciousness, into emergence with our Spirit. Sometimes known as ‘seed sounds’, the vibrations they carry, then carry us! Listening to them, toning them, chanting them, singing them, humming them are all ways to make vibrational shifts.

Color and sound work together in the higher planes of existence differently than they do in our physical world. When we are immersed in our energy body or “Light Body”, such as we are in sacred meditative states, our heightened sensory perceptions engage with our higher mind, and the blending of color and tone work in such a way that the color releases the tone it carries! Together they evoke higher wisdom and open access to deep healing experiences.

Just as each chakra has a color, each also has a musical tone that it resonates to and harmonizes with to help you return to a state of balance where your best mental and physical health exist. When we are chronically in a state of dis-ease, when our life feels out of balance, we are more susceptible to disease. This manifests in physical disease, emotional distress, faulty, confused or negative thinking or spiritual malaise. Fortunately, our human body is a self-healing system, genetically pre-programmed to heal itself! But sometimes, we need a bit of help! This is where western medicine comes into play, but also, we can learn to work with color and sound to naturally create the optimal state of balance where our body, mind, emotions, and spirit can heal.

As a guide...

  • The Root Chakra responds to the vibrations of the color Red and the tone of Middle C
  • The Sacral or Spleen Chakra responds to the vibrations of the color Orange and the tone of D
  • The Solar Plexus Chakra responds to the vibrations of the color Yellow and the tone of E
  • The Heart Chakra responds to the vibrations of the color Green and the tone of F
  • The Throat Chakra responds to the vibrations of the color Blue and the tone of G
  • The Third Eye or Brow Chakra responds to the vibrations of the color Indigo and the tone of A
  • The Crown Chakra responds to the vibrations of the color Violet and the tone of B
  • Right above the Crown Chakra, responds to the color of Iridescent White and the tone of High C

We can best help ourselves in our healing process when we recognize that healing comes from within. When engaging in energy healing using color and sound, there are six conditions that are essential for healing to occur. The person must:

  1. Understand that physical conditions are symptoms of imbalance.
  2. Be willing to take responsibility for their own healing, including making the internal and external life changes necessary to create balance.
  3. Have true desire to be healed. This means uncovering and releasing any causes of resistance or any attachment to being the victim on the dis-ease.
  4. Believe that they can be healed! Doubt goes hand in hand with self-fulling prophesy.
  5. Accept that it must be in their Highest Interest to be healed.
  6. Be willing to create their life situations to live in a harmonious state. This includes nutrition, sleep, meditation, breathing, their environment, in friendships, at work, etc.

If you have blocks or difficulty in meeting the above conditions, it is often helpful to consult with a therapist, spiritual teacher, healer, etc. to help release whatever stands in the way. Then you will gain the most benefit from the way that the color and sound energies unite to repattern, harmonize, balance and enhance your health and well-being.

Please join in our Early Morning Chanting on the first Friday of the month from 7:15AM to 7:45AM. The group gathers at Park Place Center as we offer this free service to the community!

May you all find the music that lifts your soul and eases your mind!
May it carry you to healing and joy!
Much Love and Many Blessings along the way,
Cheryl and Lynn


Sacred Sound


I AM…Multidimensional!