Forgiveness is a Journey

Forgiveness is a journey of many steps. It is both a natural and necessary part of the healing process. Although it is often a tricky part of the work, as there are many misconceptions regarding who it serves and how it serves us to forgive. Forgiveness seems to be one of those junctions where our logic and our hearts crash, leaving many stuck, and uncertain how to move forward.The first step of forgiveness is recognizing the need to forgive and making a conscious choice to do so. There is no set format for this step. In fact, the time lapse between part a) recognizing the need to forgive and part b) making a conscious choice to do, so can take varying lengths of time — from hours, to days, to years. However, the sooner you make the conscious choice to forgive, the sooner you set your heart and mind on receiving guidance and light from above in the process. This is true because at the deepest level forgiveness is a soul process: our capacity to hold light is increased as we release the darkness and weight of all that no longer serves us.On a psychological level, forgiveness is a right of passage in the development of our personality. As we journey through the following steps of forgiveness...

  • make a conscious choice to forgive
  • recognize our own internal obstacles which have blocked us
  • release the pain we’ve been carrying
  • reclaim and / or heal the parts of ourselves that have been lost or damaged in the process

...We grow, heal, and evolve — releasing blame, shame and ties to fear based thinking, and instead, reclaim aspects of our authentic, healthy power.At times there is an obvious other that you need to forgive in order to be able to let go of the binds that have tied you to an old relationship. Sometimes, when a loss has been particularly unbearable, our angst is not with a person, but with the Divine. No matter the source, forgiveness is possible, forgiveness is healing, and forgiveness helps you embrace more of your true essence.We invite you to join us on our Sacred Healing Journey Facebook Page and website throughout November as we explore this challenging and healing topic of Forgiveness through blogs, posts, and meditation.Create some space for yourself to reflect on where you’re at in your own healing journey with key players in your life, and even with yourself. You may find it useful to journal as you read the blogs and /or after listening to the meditation. As you do this healing work, jot down your thoughts, new insights, questions that come, and pay special attention to your feelings. Allow yourself to feel your feelings, honor them, one at a time, notice where each one resides in your body, listen to its message, breathe into it, exhaling what no longer serves you, and inhaling healing light.

Much Love & Many Blessings on You're Healing Journey!Lynn and


Forgiveness As a Path of Growth and Healing


Moving Forward after Loss: Creation