Curiosity in the Healing Journey

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” —Albert Einstein

Healing is a journey. What fuels the journey? Curiosity.

How does curiosity come about? You give up the defensive need to know, to be right, to have it all figured out. That need isn’t wrong; it’s a survival strategy. There comes a time when that survival strategy is no longer working for you. And that is a turning point.

The turning is an opening, a softening, a loosening of the rigid nature of rightness. As you allow curiosity in, you open towards all of what’s been unexplored in your nature, in your internal structure… you turn towards the very foundations of what you’ve come to believe is the self. Only to find that what you thought was the self, is a creation of your own mind… a reflection of who you thought you should be… defensive structures designed to hide what felt unbearably vulnerable, and / or unwanted.

Fortunately, curiosity fuels compassion where rigid rightness had fueled rejection.

As you bring the twin lights of curiosity and openness towards all that has been rejected in the self, you begin to greet these unmet parts of the self with compassion and warmth, inviting them all to have a seat at the table.

Curiosity supports exploration. As you grow greater curiosity towards all that was unexplored within the self, you slowly and tentatively learn the nature of listening. In fact, what has previously felt like a cacophony becomes a symphony, as the needs that have long gone unmet, begin to be heard, seen, felt and understood.

The journey of healing goes on and on. And when you imagine you’re nearing an ending, as described above, it’s often a beginning. As you prepare for another round of softening and opening.

Blessings of curiosity on your journey 🙏🏼💗💫

From my heart to yours, and from the light of our Oneness. We are sovereign beings unto ourselves and yet at our highest point, we are One. We all walk this journey. You are never alone, never behind, and never ahead. 🙏🏼🕉


Autumn Equinox


Trust the flow…