Autumn Equinox

A time to pause and appreciate the wisdom of balance… a time of honoring the darkness as well as the light within ourselves and the world around us.

The energy pulsing through us is one of change.  What are you being asked to let go of?  What have you outgrown?  What do you need to shake free of?  

Allow yourself to notice, feel and see.  Trust your inner knowing, always present, waiting to support you as you open to it.

Just because something has become a part of yourself—the way you do things, see things or even a belief that you hold; doesn’t mean that it’s not meant for change.  Change is the rhythm of life.  Trust.

Invite the winds of change to blow through you, supporting release.  Allowing whatever is ready, to let go… there’s no need to push something away nor attempt to make something stay.

Simply hold space for the transformation that is already in process.  This is merely one part of a larger whole.  Nothing in this universe happens in isolation.  You are already many steps into this very process of transformation you find yourself in the midst of now.  It may help to look backwards… notice how you’ve arrived at this point, this moment, this awakening… this awareness that it is indeed time for something to change.  Notice the steps you have taken… the pattern of this great interconnected web of your life… and the lives before you… around you… behind you… spreading out in all directions intersecting all of life…

In this way we touch into the Oneness of all that is.  We honor the darkness as well as the light.  We honor the difficult steps of our journey, along with the times of ease.  In this moment of pause, we recognize the blessings of both.

Perhaps on this day, even for a brief time, we might touch into the energy of non-duality… as we pause to notice, feel the rhythm of change—the pulse of life, and honor her sacred beauty.  Breathing in and breathing out… breathing in, I AM… breathing out, I let go… touching life… touching death… receiving… releasing… I am Light… I am dark… I am Love.

Blessings to you on this sacred journey. 🍁🙏🏼🍁  May you feel the support of the universe, 💫 and may you know deep within your being that you are never alone ❤️.

Lynn, Sacred Healing Journey


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