Crown Chakra ~ Sahasrara!

The Crown Chakra is the 7th energy center and is located at the top of the head or slightly above. The Sanskrit name is Sahasrara, and is associated with higher consciousness and transcendence of limitations.

The symbol of the Crown Chakra is a 1,000 petal lotus, which holds mystical meaning. It is the energy center of spiritualism and universal knowledge connecting humanity to Divinity. The sanskrit symbol in the center is the symbol for ‘OM’, meaning the Absolute, all that is and all that ever will be ~ the seed of creation!

The sound...In the key of B, and the frequency of 480 Hz., the vowel sound is “Eee”. But as the symbol depicts “OM” at its very center, chanting this seed sound is a powerful mantra as well! It has three distinct sound vibrations (A-U-M) when chanted...It starts with the sound of ‘awe” which, represents the start of the universe, the “Ooo” sound represents the energy of the universe and the “Mmm” sound which represents transformation - it is then followed by a syllable of silence. The three vibrational syllables have many meanings one of which is the representation of the three stages of life: birth, life and death.

The color vibrations associated with the Sahasrara Center are Violet, which has the highest vibrational rate of the sevenfold spectrum of colors and is the traditional color associated with spiritualism and intuition. White is also a prominent color vibration, and represents purity, forgiveness, and renewal. Together, these colors blend their qualities to enhance your ability to forgive, awaken and hone your intuition, and also cleanse and renew yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Because color holds vibration, it’s helpful to surround yourself with these colors when working on awakening and balancing the Crown Chakra. Options for doing so are as varied and creative as you can imagine - wearing the colors, lighting a candle with the colors, working with the colors in a creative project, or simply closing your eyes and imaging the color at the crown head ~ the Sahasrara Center!

The symbol of a cosmic egg is often associated with this chakra as it is a universal symbol representing the primordial source from which Divine energy and the elements for the creation of the cosmos come into existence. It is a sacred sign, honored for both its form and its inner mystery of how an inner substance is nurtured to transform into an active, external and living substance!

The Element is Thought!

Our Crown Chakra association to thought is different than thoughts of our physical brain! The element of thought in the spiritual sense is related to universal consciousness, enlightenment and wisdom of understanding your higher purpose. It is here where a fundamental Sahasrara mantra “I Understand” takes on dimensional meaning at new levels and depths that open us to new ways to perceive and comprehend our Self, our lives and our world.

Physical Signs of an Energetic Imbalance

The Crown Chakra is associated with the pituitary gland, which works with the hypothalamus to regulate the endocrine system and is closely associated with the brain and the entire nervous system. When the Crown Chakra energy is blocked or out of balance, physical manifestations can show up in the body such as migraine headaches, neurological disorders, nerve pain, thyroid and pineal gland disorders or insomnia.

Mental Signs of Energetic Imbalance

The Crown Chakra is where you connect to higher states of consciousness so when blocked, you may experience a sense of disconnection from spirit, close-mindedness, and cynicism about what is sacred. There may be a pervasive sense of destructive feelings such as alienation, frustration and depression, lacking the spark of joy in life.

When overactive, you may feel disconnected from the body and from earthly matters - having ‘your head up in the clouds’, or spiritual addiction ~ getting caught up in obsession and attachment about spiritual matters.

When Sahasrara is Open and Flowing … we feel in alignment with our Higher Self, we sense that our lives are divinely led, and we are able to ask for and receive spiritual guidance. We begin to embody an essence of gratitude, trust, and peace. Additionally, our illusion of separateness dissolves and we sense an innate oneness with everyone and everything. We realize that we are indeed a part in the cosmic web of life, and that everything is a part of us. These peak experiences are not easily attained; but when we have these magnificent moments in which overwhelming love is experienced, we have a sense of being lifted up, feel larger than our usual self, and we know in these flashes that this otherwise incomprehensible love is real! There then remains in us a longing for that openness, that sense of belonging, of pure connection. When our crown chakra is open, it is possible to have that full-on Spiritual connection. Our chakras are an energy system: our crown is where we open up to the universe above, our roots (root chakra) anchor us down to mother earth below. Each chakra center in between offers a significant step that moves us into alignment for enlightenment. We feel the full impact of our spiritual potential not just when the crown chakra is open, but when all the chakras are open, and we are able to bring spiritual light down to earth through our human bodies via the subtle energy system. This is how we reach our full potential as human beings — bringing higher consciousness down to earth, manifesting pure potentiality through our human selves in our own unique ways.

Working with your Crown Chakra

Powerful ways to work with the energy of the Sahasrara Center for clear vision and insight:

  • Surround yourself with the colors violet and white.
  • Regular meditation and prayer is important to balancing this chakra. Visualize a brilliant white or violet light flowing in through the crown of your head, washing away any blockages. Or hold the image of a white and violet 1,000 petaled lotus sitting on the top of your head, and hold the intention that as each petal unfolds, it unfolds gratitude, beauty, and love for your life.
  • Work with crystals that amplify the higher energies of the Crown Chakra: Diamond, quartz, amethyst or other white or purple stones. You can hold them while meditating, wear them as jewelry, or have them placed on your meditation alter or around you in your physical space.
  • Bring your awareness the top of your head and begin breathing as if you were drawing the breath in and out of your Crown center. Visualize breathing in white light, letting it fill your crown and let Divine Radiant Light flow down through all of your chakras, connecting dimensional consciousness of the crown to the physical world of the root chakra. The heavens to the earth, “As above, so below”!
  • Toning, vocalizing the seed sound, OM pronounced AUM, followed by a syllable of silence..
  • Essential oils to help cleanse and invigorate the Crown chakra include Cedarwood, Frankincense, or Lavender.

Using affirmations

In working with your Crown Chakra, hold your focus on the affirmation as you breathe in white or violet light. Then as you exhale, release the tension that was holding old beliefs in place and blocking the flow of energy. Do this for a few breaths until you begin to notice a release of tension and an increased sense of relaxation.

Affirmations for the Crown Chakra…

1. I am part of the Divine
2. I honor the Divine within me
3. I listen to the wisdom of universe
4. I trust my intuition
5. My life moves with grace
6. I Am Light

Crown Chakra Music Options:

  • Jonathan Goldman, Crystal Bowls Chakra Chants - Crown Chakra - Diamond Light
  • Jonathan Goldman, Chakra Chants - Crown of Creation (Crown Chakra)
  • Ashana w Thomas Barque, Jewels of Silence: Meditations on the Chakras - Sanctus

Crown Chakra: Alignment to Enlightenment!


Entering the Kingdom of the Heavenly Realms through Ajna, our Third Eye Chakra!