Entering the Kingdom of the Heavenly Realms through Ajna, our Third Eye Chakra!

The Brow Chakra ~ Home of the Visionary!

Often called the “Third Eye” chakra, it is the entryway into consciousness and holds the energy for Inner Sight and Insight! Anchoring in this space allows for the internal symbols of spirit to be understood and brought out into the world!

When we enter the energies of Third Eye Chakra, we move into higher consciousness, a place that transcends time. A place where we discover the wisdom to cut through illusions, clarify perceptions, and access our deeper truths. We see beyond our thoughts, beyond our words to allow us to examine our self-limiting ideas from a new perspective.

When we meditate and connect spiritually with our breath, we often are guided to ‘breathe in Light through the crown of our heads’. When we visualize or sense this, we connect with two very important glands in our brain – the pituitary and pineal glands. When this chakra is fully activated, both hemispheres of the brain function in harmony. The right hemisphere's creativity is integrated and balanced with the left hemisphere's logical thinking, allowing a beautiful synchronicity from which to move through our lives.

On a spiritual level, the two hemispheres of the brain connect to the male and female energies that move within our subtle energy body, and are represented by the deities Shakti and Shiva according to the Hindu tradition. Their story illustrates the beautiful dance of the male and female energies as Shiva symbolizes the masculine principle of consciousness, the primordial cosmic energy thought to move through the entire universe, while Shakti symbolizes the personification of divine feminine creative power. When balanced and working in harmony, the energies of creation and manifestation move us through life in surprising and amazing ways!

The mythological and spiritual symbol of this powerful Third Eye chakra is the hawk. And for good reason! The Hawk is seen as the messenger of the spirit world because it has great focus and powerful, clear vision. It can soar high, to the heavens, which is the same ability we access as we open to universal consciousness though our Third Eye Chakra. We can envision the heavenly realms, as well as experience our spiritual connection in our physical body through energy tingles, pulses, waves, etc. And we too can soar past the limitations of the inner judge, to truly merge with wisdom of our Divine Spiritual Essence. Each time we do so, we build capacity to increasingly hold more of this powerful energy, more of our Divine Nature in our daily lives. Doing so, expands our skills and abilities in the physical world, to be creative and manifest through the highest vibrations of love. We open to love unconditionally – both to give and receive it.

Kabbalah wisdom brings us spiritual understanding through the Sefirot – the spiritual aspects of God that emanate out into the physical world. Two of the sefirot, Binah and Chokmah, are associated with the Third Eye Chakra. Chokmah, the male principle, brings the seed of inspired wisdom to generate an idea where it remains in potential form until Binah, the female principle, nurtures these seeds of wisdom, processes them, and moves them from potential to something that is readied to be brought into the world! Together, the energies of the male and female dance divinely in the process of creation in our lives.

In so many ways, we gain inner sight through our Visionary, and clearly hear the messages to move out of duality and into Oneness. For when we feel alone, we are in duality – unaware of our spiritual nature. When we are always striving and trying and doing, without allowing time for nurturing, contemplating, and processing, we are in duality. Life is then harder, more of a struggle. And it is spending time meditating in the energies of Third Eye Chakra, where this makes intuitive sense and new insight dawns. Consciousness expands as confusion is replaced with clarity. Ability to Love expands, as we allow the high vibrations to move through us, attune us to our Divine Nature, and open us to the mysteries of the heavenly realms!

We encourage you to deepen your own spiritual journey through experiences! Be your own best indicator of Truth! Explore our website for meditations, groups and workshops as each offering holds energetic activation! See for yourself ~ more importantly, feel for yourself, as you grow and heal in new ways!

Much Love and Many Blessings,
Cheryl and Lynn


Crown Chakra ~ Sahasrara!


Awakening the Brow Chakra Third Eye