Crown Chakra: Alignment to Enlightenment!

The Crown Chakra is our highest and final of the 7 chakras in the subtle energy system of the human body. It sits at the crown of the head and is our connection to Spirit! When fully functioning, the Crown Chakra is a doorway to the higher dimensions of Cosmic Consciousness!

Our chakras are an energy system ~ our crown chakra is where we open up to the universe above, our root chakra anchors us down to mother earth below. Each chakra center in between offers a significant step that moves us into alignment for enlightenment. We feel the full impact of our spiritual potential not just when the crown chakra is open, but when all the chakras are open and we are able to bring spiritual light down to earth through our human bodies via the subtle energy system. This is how we reach our full potential as human beings — bringing higher consciousness down to earth, manifesting pure potentiality through our human selves in our own unique ways.

To be here, in our bodies, fully functioning, we need to have our root chakra open as well as our crown chakra. As the crown chakra opens us to the Divine, the root chakra connects us to Mother Earth, allowing us to bring the light in and all the way through, we are conduits between these two great energies - earth and sky. This is why it’s so important for us to be here now, in this body, on this earth plane while we’re here in bodies at this time of great transition. We are here to be conduits of light, and to learn to tune in to our Higher Self, to keep the channel open so that we may discern what other gifts we have, as well as more ways we can serve. This all comes forth from the opening of and disciplined meditation with the upper chakras.

“Be here now”, is a deep and meaningful statement when applied to our subtle energy system. Being here, now, fully in your body implies full consciousness, being Present. We are fully present or conscious when the subtle energy bodies of one’s self are in alignment - physical/etheric, emotional, mental, and astral when aligned create an open vessel for Spirit to flow through! How do we get these bodies aligned?

These subtle energy bodies that make up our human energy field are connected to our chakras … Root Chakra is connected to the physical body and it’s subtle energy counterpart - etheric body, Sacral Chakra - emotional body, Solar Plexus - mental body / egoism mind, and Heart Chakra - astral body. Thus, our subtle energy bodies are vibrant or depleted depending on the state of our chakra centers. When the chakras are open and flowing, then the connected energy body is energized. When the whole system is working in sync, we are vibrant, healthy, and highly functional!

This level of alignment is required to run the energy. Otherwise, when we wander through our days shut down and shut off - emotionally or mentally, we dim our own light. The emotional and mental bodies then are unable to fully give and receive in the ever exchanging flow of energy in which we live. Then we really do become limited to just our physical being. When we’re out of alignment, when some of our chakras are shut down or out of sync, we lose touch with important aspects of our essential power (i.e. sensitivity, inner knowing, trust in our self and the universe).

How do we energize and care for our chakras so that this loss of power doesn’t happen? It’s as easy (or challenging) as taking good loving care of yourself! We’ve spent the past 6 months describing the why and how-to of energizing and harmonizing your chakras one at a time. If you’re looking for more information on the subject, visit our website for the archived blogs.

Basically, each of these energy centers represents a developmental step into becoming healed and whole on every level of your being (as they are holistic in nature.). And as you work through a key developmental / psychological issue at each chakra, you heal the lower frequency of that energy center, raising your vibration and attuning your system to the higher frequency of Spirit, making it easier for your Higher Self to guide you onwards.

The higher your frequency, the more Soulfully present you will be. Thus, we rise up through the energy system in this way … Root - from fear to safety, Sacral - from shame to worthy, Solar Plexus - disempowered to empowered, Heart - unlovable to lovable, Throat - disenfranchised from voice to speaking essential truth, Third Eye - from unknowing to inner knowing, Crown - disconnected and alone to connected to All That Is! This sacred rainbow of the self shows up in the Crown Chakra as the color white reaching up to The Divine.


Your Soul is Speaking to you, are you Listening?


Crown Chakra ~ Sahasrara!