Excerpts from the July Community Meditation

Teaching: Sun in Cancer, first water sign, which means we have traveled through all of the elements now–fire, earth, air and now we're working with the element of water. Cardinal water, emotional body, highly sensitive.  Cancer energies lend sweet support to working with any child parts of yourself that are up for healing, helping you tap into your own thread of maternal, nurturing energies.  Cancer’s here to teach us the gift of flow.

Mercury’s also in Cancer, so there’s some opportunity for releasing old patterns around thought–emotion loops, or old beliefs that are deeply rooted with the energies of both thoughts and emotions.

Full Moon 🌕 in Capricorn ♑️ , exact on 7/3, and impacting us for several days before and after. Capricorn is an earth sign offering structure for our intentions. When the moon is full, the sun and moon are directly facing one another without any obstructions, the moon is fully bathed in the light of the sun, so they’re synergy is stronger.  Capricorn and Cancer energies create a polarity of opposites earth / water, outward / inward, ambitious / reflective, structured / flowing, doing / being.  

Cancer helps us attune to, work with and heal our emotional body, an inward and private experience.  While Capricorn supports outer success on the physical plane, via structure, intentions, plans and follow through.

There’s a strong emphasis this week (and to a degree all month) on our ability to trust the flow of our emotions and of life… to allow greater flow.  The higher energies are offering lessons on and direct connection with letting our emotions, thoughts and life in general flow through us.  Notice how flow and its opposite–control, stuck, fear, are playing out in your life right now.

One of the big things that’s up for us as a culture is an increasing awareness and understanding of religious trauma.  So much wrong has been committed by men in the name of religion, historically and currently.  Unfortunately, this impacts us all on all levels of our beings individually and collectively.  Neptune Rx in the last few degrees of Pisces is a tremendous opportunity for healing in all ways around this issue.  

Community Meditation: In our community meditation in July, amidst the energies of the Full Moon in Capricorn (Cancer Sun) we worked with the synthesis of these healing energies throughout our chakra system, beginning with the crown, the most direct hit.  

**You are welcome to follow along and do your own healing with the rest of this script.  

The crown chakra– our direct link to source and higher self.  The blocks here are rooted in religious trauma at the spiritual level of your being– resulting from false narratives around trusting your own beautiful heart, mind, and direct spiritual connection.  Spend a few moments inviting in the light of the Divine, acclimating to its healing vibrations, radiance and sense of unconditional love.  Feel into your own blocks around spiritual unworthiness, sin, and religious indoctrination that no longer resonate for you, as you invite Light in to loosen and release at the deepest levels of your being.  Ask and receive support in releasing what gets in the way of feeling and being unconditional love… Sense into your own innate ability to shine.  Allow love to fill your crown, mind, and heart.

Third eye– hold a vision of yourself as Divine Light, a radiant being whose birthright is unconditional love.

Heart– allowing love in… noticing what it’s like to begin to fully love yourself.  What needs to be released and reimagined.  Opening yourself as much as possible to this possibility.

Solar Plexus– Sense see and feel unconditional love flowing into your power center… releasing what gets in your way of feeling your power, your purpose… sensing into the importance of growing into your essential right to wield power in your life… allow yourself to feel into the good and healthy qualities of power.

Sacral– Sense see and feel unconditional love flowing into your emotional center… releasing what gets in the way of your right to feel the whole wide range of emotions… imagine embodying each emotion with gracious love towards yourself and towards the energy of this emotion as it flows through your body… notice how your body and energy change with various emotions, and how each offers respite and relief as you allow it’s flow.

Root– Sense see and feel unconditional love flowing into your physical body… releasing all that gets in the way of complete and total unconditional love and kind regard for this miraculous body, home of your soul.  Feel your body receiving this loving admiration as a desert receives a fresh rain—cleansing, healing and enlivening!

Throat– Sense see and feel unconditional love flowing into your throat chakra, supported by your third eye and heart center—wisdom and compassion holding space for you to embody the fullness of your essential self.  Visshudha, the energy center of sharing your self and her gifts to the world.


Head & Heart