Wisdom, Discernment and the Brow Chakra!

Moving up in the chakra system, you find the 6th energy center, the Brow Chakra. It is often called the Third Eye Chakra because it is located between the two physical eyes, in the center of your head. The Sanskrit name is Ajna meaning command, as this is the chakra that commands the energy flow through your body. It is associated with your intuition and intellect. The symbol has two petals opposite each other, signifying the two primary energy channels that run through your body, the Ida and the Pingala, which circulate the male and female energy through your system. As well, they represent the two aspects of the mind, the part that is focused on what is manifest and present in the world, and the part that is as yet un-manifested, still residing in the spiritual realms. In the body, the two petals are said to represent the pineal gland, which regulates the circadian rhythm and the pituitary gland, which is the master of all the endocrine glands which are important in regulating hormones. The petals connect through the center circle to indicate that in this Third Eye energy center, duality ends and unity is achieved. The colors associated with it are deep violet/dark indigo blue, or traditionally, white. The scents that open and harmonize it are Lavender, Cedar and Clary Sage, and the frequency it resonates with is the musical note of A. The purpose of this chakra is to help you gain insight and wisdom through discernment and to connect your outer sight with your inner sight.

The Brow Chakra is thought of as the seat of the Soul, the pathway to wisdom. It is the home of your dreams, psychic abilities, and spiritual enlightenment. The Brow Chakra is where you connect to higher states of consciousness that foster spiritual growth and connection to Universal Source energy. The Third Eye Chakra is your gateway into higher realms of consciousness that allow you to fully understand that, without a doubt, we are all truly one and that the idea of duality and separation from one another is nothing more than illusion. You begin to understand more fully that everything happens for a reason and insight dawns about the intricate design of your life. As this center becomes activated, you become more Self-Realized, meaning that you connect more with your Higher Self, your Soul, and your Spiritual purpose in life.

When it is open and active in a balanced way, it opens your sense of intuition and discernment to be able to see the truth with clarity and insight. In your physical body, it connects to your senses of seeing and hearing in the physical, external world while energetically and spiritually, the Brow Chakra allows access to your “inner sight” (insight and inner vision) and your intuition, listening to that ‘inner voice’ that alerts you to danger or inspires you to right action. When in balance, this chakra helps you to interpret visual cues and your perception is high. Your thoughts and internal communications with yourself is healthy and vibrant, allowing you to have a discerning perspective on events and ideas. You are open to inspiration, new ideas, dreams, and visions, yet you can also be quietly observant, and reflective.

When the brow chakra is out of balance, the whole “you” suffers. Without perspective, nothing makes sense, leaving you feeling confused, having difficulty seeing things clearly, and finding it difficult to sort out what is important and what is not. Life just doesn’t make sense, and you may feel disoriented and confused. It becomes a struggle to work through life’s problems. You may find that you have little command of your body or your thoughts, experience mood shifts or sleep disorders. Often you will suffer headaches, ear aches or have vision problems. Generally, there is neglect of your spiritual life and a preoccupation with material possessions.

To balance the Brow Chakra, prayer and meditation are very important avenues as they most directly open the connection to the higher states of consciousness and the spiritual realms. There are many ways to meditate, so finding one that you feel comfortable with is key. Join us on June 20th for a Meditation and Integral Breathwork session, or for our regular monthly Group Meditations which resume again on September 12th. (Click here to see our Events Calendar.) Another way to balance the Brow Chakra is to surround yourself with things that are of the dark indigo blue color, and if possible, add a few crystals in this color scheme to hold when meditating or to have in places you frequent, such as on a nightstand next to your bed, on your office desk, or in your pocket/purse. Add the scents of Lavender, Cedar or Clary Sage with candles or with essential oils. Or add in one or more of the following affirmations to focus on daily: I AM INTUITION; I am guided; I am connected; I understand; I am decisive; I am clear; I am insightful; I am inspired; I am aware.

Living from your spiritual perceptions opens you to unlimited possibility and potential, far beyond what the human mind can conceive! From the Root Chakra through the Crown Chakra, bringing harmony and balance allows the energy to flow so you can enjoy new levels of joy, vitality and health in your life!




Seventh Chakra - The Crown Chakra


Fifth Chakra - Authentic Self Expression