Seventh Chakra - The Crown Chakra

Also known as Sahasrara, meaning thousandfold, is uppermost of our seven primary chakras, and as such is a gateway between one’s self and higher consciousness. It is through the opening of our seventh chakra that higher consciousness / God’s radiant light can pour forth and fill all of our lower chakras. It is the meeting point between finite and infinite (body and mind to Spirit).


Sahasrara is located at the crown of one’s head, and is symbolized as a lotus with one thousand petals facing upward with the lotus stem extending down into the central energy column: this is the symbol of infinity. It is associated with the colors white and / or violet, and some depict it’s center as golden. Violet has the highest vibrational rate of the sevenfold spectrum of colors, and is the color of royalty. White signifies pure spiritual energy of the highest realms. Gold is symbolic of the power of the sun and sacredness. The crown chakra is associated with the primordial sound Om (which is the Sanskrit word often depicted in it’s center).

Physical Signs of an Energetic Imbalance in the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is associated with the brain, central nervous system and the pineal and pituitary gland, which is the master gland of the endocrine system. Physical signs of an imbalance in this energy center include migraines, memory issues, chronic exhaustion, sensitivity to light or sounds, psychosis, or an imbalance in one’s energy system.

Mental Signs of an Energetic Imbalance in the Crown Chakra

Mental signs of an imbalance are many and include the consistent lack of joy, melancholy, need to be right, rigid belief in one’s limitations, spiritual skepticism, over intellectualization, spiritual addiction, mental confusion and feeling overwhelmed, and / or an attachment to a restrictive spiritual belief system that doesn’t mesh with one’s Higher Self.

When Sahasrara is Open and Flowing … we feel in alignment with our Higher Self, we sense that our lives are divinely led, and we are able to ask for and receive spiritual guidance. We begin to embody an essence of gratitude, trust, and peace. Additionally, our illusion of separateness dissolves and we sense an innate oneness with everyone and everything. We realize that we are indeed a part in the cosmic web of life, and that everything is a part of us. These are elusive moments for most; but when we have these glorious moments in which overwhelming love becomes crystalized, (i.e. while hiking the sun streams through the trees just so, your first glimpse into the eyes of your newborn, singing with a choir) and we have a sense of being lifted up, feel larger than our usual self, we know in these flashes that this magnificent love is real! There then remains in us a longing for that openness, that sense of belonging, of pure connection. When our crown chakra is open, it is possible to have that full-on Spiritual connection. Our chakra’s are an energy system: our crown is where we open up to the universe above, our roots (root chakra) anchor us down to mother earth below, and each chakra center in between is a significant step of getting into alignment for enlightenment. We feel the full impact of our spiritual potential not just when the crown chakra is open, but when all the chakras are open, and we are able to bring spiritual light down to earth through our human bodies and through this subtle energy system. This is a valid definition of reaching our full potential as human beings — bringing higher consciousness down to earth, manifesting pure potentiality through our human selves in our own unique ways.

How to work with SahasraraColors - Do a meditation using the colors of this chakra, visualize violet, white and / or golden light coming in with your inhale and filling up the crown of your head.Visualize Light - Imagine the light of the sun, touching this part of your body, feeling the warmth and the intensity of this light.Crystals - amethyst, amber, quartz crystal, moldaviteEssential Oils - jasmine, lavenderMantra - Om, feeling the vibration of Om is a powerful mantra. The Gayatri mantra is my personal all-time favorite, and is an ideal mantra for the crown chakra as it encapsulates enlightenment. Deva Premal and Miten have a beautiful version of the Gayatri mantra in a song by the same name.Meditation - Any meditation connecting up with the light from above, bringing the light in, feeling the higher vibration, or any guided meditation on connecting with one’s Higher Self or Spiritual Connection.Affirmations - I am open to divine wisdom. I am at peace. I listen to the wisdom of the universe.Other Practices - prayer, singing, silence, pranayama, yoga, walking, connection with nature, anything that inspires you or fills you with joy!

Lynn Bos, LCSW

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