Vishuddha ~ A Gateway to Akasha!

Our Throat Chakra, the 5th energy center in our chakra system, is an energetic access point for our mind and heart to connect and communicate! Situated just beneath the spiritual powerhouses of the sixth and seventh chakras, Vishuddha receives spiritual guidance from above and connects directly with the heart center below. It is a gathering place where the heart, having infused the needs and desires received from the physical self with Love and Compassion, uplifts them to be impressed with the vision and wisdom of Spirit descending from the above. So it is then, that the Throat Chakra energizes a purity of expression to manifest into the world.

What’s in a Symbol?

The Sanskrit name for the Throat Chakra, Vishuddha, holds the energy of purification typically depicted through its symbol ~ the bright blue lotus flower with 16 petals around the center, containing a white full moon within a triangle.

The color linked with Vishuddha is Blue - usually a sky blue, an energy that is associated with the heavens. It is a calm, soothing color that allows you to awaken to the vast expanses of the sky…of space itself. Along with the white, the colors represent purity, wisdom, and higher consciousness.

The moon is a symbol for the element of space ~ the “Fifth Element”, also known as the Akasha or ether and is conceptualized as space - it is the essence of emptiness and the space that the other elements fill. It is expansive, without form or boundaries, and therefore has no limits! It allows access to higher consciousness.

The inverted triangle symbolizes Spirit connecting down to the heart center, then expanding outward and upward. The 16 petals typically hold the Sanskrit vowels, symbolizing sound as the beginning of creation. Ultimately, Vishuddha is a symbol of awakening through purification and harmonizing of the body, mind & Spirit.

It is in the throat chakra that ordinary air is infused with its element of ether, and that subtle energy substance then alchemically changes the ordinary into non-ordinary ~ prana! This allows a human emotion or reaction, to transform into its higher spiritual frequency thereby raising the consciousness level. As the Throat Chakra is the place of vibration expressed via sound, the seed sound of “Ham” (pronounced ‘hum’) takes on significance in activating and balancing Vishuddha.

Physical signs of an energetic imbalance

The throat chakra energetically reacts with the thyroid and parathyroid gland, the throat, mouth, ears, neck, shoulders, and head. Blocked or overactive energy in this center will result in physical manifestation of vocal issues, pain or health issues in these areas.

Mental signs of an energetic imbalance

We live in a culture in which many of us grew up with messages to repress our authentic expression such as, “Children should be seen and not heard.”, “Boys don’t cry”, etc. Therefore, it’s not surprising that this important gateway is often and easily blocked. How many times have you had the experience of words getting caught in your throat, you did not feel heard, or were simply afraid to express what you felt? These are experiences indicative of blocked energy in the throat chakra.

Similarly, fear, self judgement, shame, and shyness all serve to decrease the flow of energy here in this energy center. Experiencing a creative block, harsh communication, verbal abuse, dishonesty, and manipulative tactics are all indicators of blocked energy or an imbalance in this chakra. Difficulty listening can be a further sign of imbalance.

Open and flowing Vishuddha

When this energy center is healthy and balanced, we can express ourselves with honesty and integrity guided by the wisdom of love from the heart below and intuitive knowing from the third eye above.

This energy center serves the energetic flow of our creative abilities, not just verbal expression. In addition to talking, the throat chakra is the gateway for singing, making music, writing, dancing, and all forms of creative expression. Therefore, when the throat chakra is open, all areas of creative expression are more fluid, easy, and harmonious. We have a greater sense of confidence in our ability to express the energy that we feel, in all possible forms of manifestation, be that verbal expression of our thoughts or feelings, or expressing emotion through tears, touch, movement, etc.

The feel of having your throat chakra open and flowing is freeing! Life feels clear, your expression flows easily and is guided by love and wisdom, there’s a significant sense of being in alignment when Vishuddha is open.

Working with your Throat Chakra

Powerful ways to work with the energy of Vishuddha for purification and harmonizing…

  • Surround yourself with the color blue (sky blue to peacock blue, silver and white)
  • Bring your awareness to this place in your body, breathing in and out of your throat center.
  • As you breathe, visualize blue or white light coming into this chakra for cleansing and clearing.
  • Tone, hum or chant a mantra to tap into the special gifts of Vishuddha ~ vocal cords. Although all mantras are good, significant ones for the throat chakra are “Hum” or the mantra “So Hum”. To use a mantra, simply pause life for a moment, breathe, close your eyes, get centered, and repeat the word or phrase aloud with your exhale, and you can amplify the effects by silently repeating the word with the in-hale.
  • Essential oils to help cleanse and invigorate throat chakra include rose, lavender, sandalwood, cedar, rosemary, and lemon.

Using affirmations

In working with your Throat Chakra, hold your focus on the affirmation as you breathe in light. Then release the tension ~ which was holding an old belief in place and was blocking the flow of energy ~ as you exhale. Do this for a few breaths until you begin to notice a release of tension and an increased sense of relaxation. Try these or create your own!

1. I communicate with ease.
2. I clearly state my needs.
3. I speak my truth with confidence.
4. I vocalize my feelings.
5. I claim, honor, and express my Truth.


Vishuddha ~ Pause and Purification


Inner Truth, Creative Expression, Integrity…welcome to the Throat Chakra!