Inner Truth, Creative Expression, Integrity…welcome to the Throat Chakra!

Healing the energies of the Heart Chakra opens the flow for creative expression via our Higher Self through our Throat Chakra! When we feel loved, held with compassion, and released from our shame, it becomes safe inside. This is the experience when we are in the higher energies of the Heart Chakra – we feel safe in a deep place, which allows us then, to dare to peer into our inner dimensions. No longer afraid of what we might discover, for we now can explore with an awareness that we can release self-judgment, and we can move out of those stuck places of emotional pain or trauma. For as we encounter these lower vibrations that have kept us small, limited, or powerless, we bring the powerful heart energies of Love and Compassion to embrace them. This allows healing and release of what no longer serves us and opens the journey of transformation. We can choose to identify with our personality self or our Higher Self that we’ve come to know and embrace in our Heart!With the Love flowing freely from our Heart Chakra, the element of air in this chakra lifts us, and we begin the journey home to the True Self, our Soul. We ascend to new heights in our journey of Spirit! We begin to acknowledge our Inner Truth! All those places where we had closed off, denied, or painted a smile over can now be explored, expressed, and honored. All those times we were discounted, unheard, or challenged into shame, are able to be seen by our Higher Self, bringing forth the Truth and setting free the misperceptions! Our journey has brought us to the energies of the Throat Chakra, where the element of the ethers allow us access to the ancient wisdom of our Soul!Here we soar with spiritual energies, freer still, to be our true self, our higher self, our Soul! We begin to feel and sense this new connection as we have garnered great strength in our inner journey. We have conquered fears, faced down pain, and taken risks to change. We have found heightened energies of Love, healed the old wounds that had festered in the shadows, and are now ready to speak our truth and co-create our world with the creative energies of that truth.This means that time after time, we stop hiding ourselves. Whether that be the quiet one at a social gathering, or the tentative voice that stops in the face of challenge. We begin to express what we need and want, to set goals, and find creative ways to achieve our dreams. We honor ourselves and others, living our Truth, and over time, changing our behaviors to express these higher energies into our lives. For in the Throat Chakra energies, we discover at another level, that our words create. In the beginning, there was The Word…sound, vibration – The Creative Energy!


Vishuddha ~ A Gateway to Akasha!


The Heart Chakra ~ Where Two Worlds Merge