Three Key Psychological Aspects of the Solar Plexus Chakra: Autonomy, Ego, and Will.

We see the progression from the first chakra that gives us grounding to a place and tribe and containment for our energy to flow ... to the second chakra that is all about the fluid movement of energy through emotions and connection ... leading to this third chakra. The purpose of this third chakra is to transform this movement into willed activity using conscious choice, directed by a new-found sense of self known as the ego.

It is here in the Solar Plexus that we use the raw material coming up from the second chakra of desire and choose what to act on versus what to contain.

  • Will we be pleasing and subvert our own wants and needs?
  • Will we ignore our power of choice and not contain any of the raw emotion, acting out emotionally rather than containing?
  • Or will we listen to our inner cues and grow into our individuated self?

This is the growth that takes place here in the fiery world of the Solar Plexus, our center for Personal Power.

We see that our power comes from our sense of an autonomous self with an ability to consciously choose (Ego) what is best for oneself, and then acting upon that choice (Will). This IS the development of HEALTHY POWER.

Power is not created by staying safe. Power is like a muscle, and is strengthened by using it!The Solar Plexus Chakra is about choosing a direction of action, therefore, for healthy growth, we must not just DECIDE, but also ACT.

Our healthiest actions stem from our pure desires. We step into our power every time we follow these inner longings that guide us on our true path. Consider the word will ... Will speaks of doing. Our will guides us towards actions that are in alignment with our truth. To grow in our own POWER, we must be willing to leave passivity and pleasing behind ... we must be willing to take risks ... we must be willing to step into the unknown, leaving safety behind ... to individuate!

Our Solar Plexus is a patient teacher on topics of listening to inner cues, choosing and doing. Go ahead, practice … What’s something you’ve been putting off doing despite receiving cues from your inner self to step forward? Work with your solar plexus - make that choice, take that step and STEP INTO YOUR POWER!

Enjoy the Journey of Empowerment!
Lynn & Cheryl


Know Thyself…and Thy Higher Self!


Welcome to the World of the Solar Plexus Chakra...