Know Thyself…and Thy Higher Self!

The Solar Plexus is all about you! Your will, your confidence, your empowerment! In the traditional sense, this all relates to the “human you”! The you that walks around day to day, assuming the many roles of your life. But when you reach up, when you seek your Higher Self, the energies of the Solar Plexus are about Self discovery of a different nature!

Each of us has a part of our self that sees things from a higher perspective. When we can shift upwards, raise our vibration, we are opening to our Divine Nature. It is quite a miraculous little system actually. We talk about shifting upwards, but in actuality, we move within…within our own consciousness. There we find access to the spiral of life and the jewels of wisdom that await us. When we begin to explore our own nature in this way, a whole new walk of life begins!

It is exciting and inspiring as we get our first glimpse into this sea of possibilities! Talk about confidence and empowerment! We expand in ways that we can ‘feel’ vs. understand with our minds. The experience becomes dimensional and its energy powerful. Yes, we still move through our daily lives, doing all the things we need to do, but there is a felt difference. There is a letting go of the mindset of “should and have to” messages, and our choices come from inspiration.

Our sense of Self then unfolds at its higher frequency, through our immersion into the energies of our Higher Self! Our sense of empowerment and will to direct our lives is no longer determined by material things or other people, but is informed by our Soul’s purpose for being on this Earth. Our powerful nature emerges through each choice, each action that is in service of our Higher Self. There is no longer the draw to boast or brag, be competitive or manipulative, to gossip or stick around in drama. The attraction moves from the lower frequencies of glamour and illusion, to the higher vibrations of Truth and humility in thought, word, and deed. Our inner Light becomes strong and clear, and at the same time, warm, soft, and loving.

It is easy to feel empowered in this state of being. And when fear, doubt, or feeling small do re-enter the picture, we have a new understanding of their transient nature and can choose to move back once again into harmony with our Higher Self. When the need for more arises, the desire to jump into drama, or the insecurity anchored in a sense of lack, we tune in and remember we have all that we need. Tuning in and coming back into harmony with our True Self, our Divine Nature, comes through the energies of the Solar Plexus.

We can do this through connection to vibrations and frequencies – sound! Or through breathing with intention, into our Solar Plexus and sensing it fill with vital force energy – Prana! Or through visualizing, sensing, or internally seeing this chakra filled with Light – Meditation! Or it may mean taking charge of our choices/decisions in life – not letting other’s needs, wants, or demands define who we are or what we choose to do.

Continually moving out of the lower frequencies of this chakra, into our Higher Self, brings us stability here. We feel confident and our will to act is then rooted in Love. This helps us transition towards our Heart Chakra energies where Love and Compassion find their home. Where transformation continues and a bridge to higher spirituality is accessed.

~ Namaste ~
"We honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. We honor the place in you which is of Love, of Truth, of Light and of Peace. When you are in that place in you, and we are in that place in us, we are One."


The Heart Chakra ~ Where Two Worlds Merge


Three Key Psychological Aspects of the Solar Plexus Chakra: Autonomy, Ego, and Will.