Sacred Toning...a unique experience!

During the past months, our blogs and meditations have been focusing on vibration, frequency and sound and the many ways to experience sound. At times, we try to tune out annoying sounds around us, while at other times, we seek a certain type of sound that fosters a deep breath and a sense of peace!

All sound carries vibration, and one way to think about our own energy is in terms energy waves or vibrating energy. This is why sound has such a powerful impact on our body, mind and sense of well-being!

When we feel our best, we use words to describe this as being in harmony or balance internally. It is this state of being that promotes health on all levels. Knowing this, we can choose to make sound an integral part of our daily grooming! We can begin our mornings with music that awakens us with gentle vibrations or with a loud buzzer that startles. We can delve into a morning routine filled with communications and commands to move at a hurried pace or set up a morning plan where time allows for cheerful talk, meditative music or perhaps even singing in the shower! During the day, we can enhance our focus with a few minutes of mindful awareness of the sounds around us as we close our eyes, listen quietly, and take in the sound vibration.

There are so many ways to incorporate sound into our lives, and it's really well worth your time to explore some of them, for sound is integral to our health! One way to experience the healing benefits that sound has to offer is with our own voice. Simple, easy, free and always available! We can do this by "toning" the vowel sounds. Slow and easy, fast, loud, softly, high pitch or low...all will have a slightly different effect. It matters not whether you can sing, carry a tune, or have good voice quality! The benefits come from the vibration you experience within your body. The idea is simple...

Find a quiet place to sit or lie down comfortably for maybe 5-15 minutes. Begin with a vowel sound that comes to your mind intuitively. Say, sing, hum, or whisper the sound in all its forms. For example, "A" could be a long A as in "play" or a short A as in "cat". It could also carry the sound in the word "ball" or the sound of "ah". Simply take in a slow, deep breath, and on the exhale, begin to tone the vowel of your choice, carrying it out on your long, slow exhale. As you do, keep your awareness on how the sound "feels" in your body. Where do you feel it, does it feel different as you change the pitch or when you shift to a different sound of the vowel? Notice if it feels different when your hand is placed gently on your heart or on your solar plexus/stomach area. Then switch to another vowel and see what changes for you. Be aware of what calms or energizes, what helps release inner angst or perhaps helps you feel more grounded. Different days may bring different responses, as may different volumes or length of time you carry the tone, or various rhythms used. You can combine two or more sounds together...and in a variety of ways. Always though, with Consciousness of its vibrational effect. If at first you don't feel the vibration, be patient and give yourself time, over days of practice, the subtle energies of vibration will be felt!

Enjoy the time! Don't force or strain, have water available, rest for a minute of silence as needed...more is not better, there is no "right" way, and all the tones will be exactly what is needed when you simply allow them to come forth!

Sing your song to the WILL resound in healthy ways!
Much Love and Many Blessings!
Cheryl and Lynn


Gradations of Change – A constant on the Spiritual Path!


Sacred Sounds: The Power of Mantras