Gradations of Change – A constant on the Spiritual Path!

Something to consider is that the Spiritual Path is about the journey of our Soul. This means that it is a path that will lead us through twists and turns, into highs and confronting lows, but also, a path that is unending! For the Soul is eternal, its existence continues past this human lifetime, and it also has a mission and purpose for every day of its existence here in human form! These few sentences carry a lot of wisdom for us!

First, it helps us understand that just because we are on a spiritual journey, it does not mean that the path leads us to increasingly blissful states each day, as the path contains twists and turns. The human mind may think life will unfold in a certain way, yet often there is a bigger picture than we can see, and our best laid plans are tossed to the side as we experience the unexpected! And that twist of fate that appears as a crisis, is often times what sets us off on a very spiritual quest where we struggle with our faith, question or turn away from all things Divine, only to come through to resolution, with greater wisdom and understanding. This process, whether it takes a few days, a few month or years, or a lifetime, IS the spiritual journey of the Soul.

Second, as we begin to feel the ‘highs’ of inner peace, harmony and Love, we are then also called to face all that blocks continued or expanded experiences of these blissful states. This means that we have to confront and address those places of our temperaments that are incongruent with peace, harmony and Love. So we are brought face to face with our anger, fear, depression, and all that triggers us to places incompatible with Love. Ohhhh…that seems rather hard!! But this too, IS the spiritual journey of the Soul.

Third, we struggle with some common thoughts:

  • I already know... I’m there! Having established a meditation practice, or connecting daily in prayer, or being able to feel/see/sense energy, or whichever aspect of spirituality it is that you have experienced – some have the belief that they are done, they have, or will, reach “the goal”! But actually, that is the very belief that is a block on the spiritual path, for the Soul is eternal...and so is it’s mission or purpose! It is eternally expanding its spiritual experience with Divine Source. …And there are limitless dimensions to explore and awaken within the realms of Spirit!
  • I can’t... meditate, sense energy, feel connected to Source, etc. after only a very short time... maybe only a month or less – sometimes even after only a few attempts, not realizing what it means that the Soul is eternal! That the spiritual journey takes an entire lifetime and calls for commitment, persistence and faith – even when it seems as though nothing is happening!

This leads us to better understand the way of spiritual growth! It changes in gradations – slowly, steadily and with alternating times of bliss, struggle, insight, frustration, and chaos! We can see many examples of these gradual changes all around us, that are showing us the experience of a path such as this! One would be the experience of a musician.

Take a moment and think of the notes on a musical scale. There are 12 distinct notes that when complete, start over at another level, and repeat. Each note can be compared to a spiritual awakening that requires a movement forward to experience the next vibration. And how beautifully the notes blend, only to expand when another note is added, and so on. At the end of the first set of 12, we think we’ve got it, only to awaken to a whole new set of sounds and vibrations with the choice to continue forward! The process of learning to play these notes and bring them together to create the beauty and bliss of a masterpiece is fraught with struggle, times of accomplishment and frustration, times of feeling confused and perhaps ready to give up, only to break through to experience the inner joy of attaining yet another level of complexity! And then, when the musician’s heart embraces the masterpiece, (s)he is stirred with the desire to create again, to learn more! This process is lifelong, it requires patience, persistence, practice and teaching. So too, does the path of the spiritual seeker. Some who have an interest in music, try it a few times and others a few years…only to become disinterested because of the time, commitment, practice, etc. – the same with spiritual seekers! Some musicians create beauty and inspire others with the vibrations they send out to the world – so do some spiritual seekers!

Blessings on your amazing Soul’s journey! May your inner vibrancy ever expand!
Cheryl and Lynn


Our Spiritual Journey: Milestones of Development


Sacred Toning...a unique experience!