Winter Solstice Reflection

We are in dark days nearest to the solstice.

Days in which nights are LONG here in the northern hemisphere.  Long dreaming evenings… tending fires or even a solitary flame.  

Invite the spirit of gentleness in, and remember how it is to befriend yourself.  These days of long nights lend themselves to remembering

And listening… attune your ear inward… &

S.   L.   O.   W.    W.      A.      Y.         D.         O.         W.           N.     

Open yourself to the essence of these magical nights… Feel and remember…

What it is you’ve longed for

And begin to let go

Of all that is not essential.

Make room for what is most precious.

In the depth of this darkness, there rests

A possibility, an opportunity, 

of awakening.

May it be so.



Healing the Inner Child


Scorpio Eclipse Season