Moving out of grief ~ Embracing the fullness of the new

After all the mixed feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that accompany loss wash over and through us, finally comes acceptance and continued growth!

But even long into the future, we hold fond memories of the past. Even when life resettles in a new way, a pang of grief for what once was, returns occasionally. That’s ok. It is part of who we are and the foundation for who we are becoming.

Endings can be joyous when we can hold with certainty that the next step is growth. Or endings can hold sadness when the focus remains on what will be missed. But in reality, endings are the natural segue into new beginnings! We learn and grow every day; things change and the new is born out of the old at ever-increasing speed in our world. But one thing is for certain: When we hold our Light and stay connected to our Spiritual guidance, we create the new in the energy of Divine Love ~ with Divine guidance! In this way, we take an active role in manifesting our own Sacred Healing Journey, which in turn, feeds this energy into the world. Slowly, we find ourselves moving out of the darkness of grief, into the dawning of a new day.

There is no rush, no set timeline, no right way to move through grief. But when we hold the vision and awareness that when we are ready, we can embrace and create a new way, we gain an inner sense of permission to peek out at that dawning Light! To open to life, take new steps, and grow! We engage with life differently. Wiser, from insight gained along the way, we step into the future with heart open once again. We see the world with new eyes, but also with new vision. We gain clarity that life is an adventure and that we are here with a purpose! Our potential now lies at our doorstep! Now is the time to embrace the fullness of the new!

Take a moment to reflect on the changes of your life…what you are creating at this very moment! Is it what you want? Or perhaps it is time to move forward in a new way? Our lives are evolving continuously ~ the invitation is to do so consciously!

From Our Hearts to Yours we send Much Love,And May Many Blessings Unfold Abundantly on Your Journey!Cheryl and Lynn


How did I get here?!


A time of change…